Stun during specials

A number of champs have a chance to stun opponents during their specials. The problem is the stun can happen at the beginning of the Special move so by the time a special is finished the stun is also over. The best example of this is the black widow and hulk synergy. Black widow will get a stun on the first kick or hit of her specials and the stun is already finished when her SP is done.
Can this get changed to activate post special move so we can actually gain the benefit of the synergy.
Can this get changed to activate post special move so we can actually gain the benefit of the synergy.
This has been a real complaint forever and the team has looked at this over and over and nothing has ever happened.
Ronan gets totally hosed with his special stuns.
Best of luck with that. As mentioned, this has been discussed many times. I agree, it stinks.