Odd glitches since jan 1st update

Hello, im asking kabam and others if they are experiencing the same issues with mcoc that i have been dealing with since the update at the beginning of the year. I have seen my opponents do things that they have never done before. 1st, i use special 2 and will land a hit on the for part of a special only to see my opponent recover and block the remaining parts of the special. 2nd, my blocks are only 50% effective as ive been hit through a combo while i was blocking and holding block only to be attacked as if i had never blocked at all. 3rd, ive seen opponents use specials on me and seen the word unblockable pop up, but there have no special unblockable trait nor ability. 4th, ive tried to dash back only to see my champ run forward. 5th, ive had opponents being knocked back by a combo of 5 hits and somehow recover faster then my special could activate, even if that opponent was falling backward at the time of the last hit. 6th, using my specials is about 25% efficiency as i can sit there and press the special button repeatedly only it never goes off, usually very badly as my opponent recovers and kos my champ. Now here is what ive seen. These types of errors have only started since the first of the year with the last update. These glitches or errors occur in a means to make me use my healing potions along side revives. The arenas do not seem effected nor does aq or aw. Just all other forms of quests, and ive tested this by rerunning story quests ive finished 6 months ago to witness a 3* take down a 5* r3/45 in a blink. I use to be a regular buyer of the daily $5 pack to help further me along, only after these news developments i have stopped this as its becoming a waste of money. I run a samsung s7, i restart my phone each time i play because for a while my app was crashing every 3 fights. I hope others can pay attention to these glitches or errors and can help kabam smooth put the game play so that the game reverts back to a fair and even game so that we, as players, have a fun time playing the game instead of walking away frustrated at being cheated by the game.
@Warper made this a bit easier to read. Also, there wasn't any update in January. They doubled the update in December's. The next update won't be until Feb.