None of thesr, wait for 2500 more shards and hope for something good
If you dupe raccoon or Jane foster sure. Old man Logan wouldn’t be awful to take to r2 if you have resources to burn (I.e. you don’t care about alphas)
Jane is my most recent and most underwhelming pull to date. If I'm lucky, she does only 15% damage of max health on her L3 special. At least hulkbuster does massive damage on his L3 despite having pillowhand basic attacks.
Very underrated, can be really good in the hands of a decent player. The few blocked hits you should be taking during fights will easily be regen'd. Damage can get quite good once the fight gets going. Not hindered too bad by bleed-immune.
Out of your list I think OML is the best choice.
Some regen, bleeds, bleed resistance and I hear his damage can get quite high.
Yeah I'd like to learn how to control this massive damage potential. If I could master that, I'd definitely rank him and use him for sure.