Looking for an alliance

I’m looking for an alliance. I have a 271k rating and I’ve explored act 5. Looking for alliance that doesn’t require line but actively does aq and aw


  • DangerNoodleDangerNoodle Member Posts: 235
    I have a 5.3 mil alliance that is tier 5 in AW and does map 3. We'd love to have you if you're interested
    My ign is ZestyNoodles

    We'd really appreciate it if you got Line tho. Pretty any good alliance nowadays has some sort of communication app. It helps things run A LOT smoother 😉
  • Robert_Bryant4Robert_Bryant4 Member Posts: 4
    Yeah I’ve had a really hard time trying to find a good alliance without line. I’ve looked everywhere
  • DangerNoodleDangerNoodle Member Posts: 235
    Why don't you want to get Line? @Robert_Bryant4
  • Robert_Bryant4Robert_Bryant4 Member Posts: 4
    I want to but I just can’t get it
  • Robert_Bryant4Robert_Bryant4 Member Posts: 4
  • godofthundergodofthunder Member Posts: 19
    yo if im not too late we have line in our alliance but it's not required after all we are here to play...everyone does their part in our team add me if you like tinshammer is my id im the team leader i just got rid of 3 inactives we were a 4.9 mil alli now a 4.3 til i get more greater players
  • VICZ225VICZ225 Member Posts: 2
    If you join my clan called THE GANGSTA KILLAS you will get officer.
  • Gustav78Gustav78 Member Posts: 11
    Looking for an alliance that gets 300 four star shards
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