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When do you think we will have alliance bases?

WarMaster1362WarMaster1362 Posts: 9
edited January 2018 in General Discussion

When do you think we will have alliance bases? 82 votes

6% 5 votes
7% 6 votes
7% 6 votes
0% 0 votes
79% 65 votes


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    Exactly, how soon. I'm estimating
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    next week
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    Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    They aren’t releasing them. They tried them on the Chinese server and it didn’t do so well
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    Atticus9090Atticus9090 Posts: 521 ★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    They aren’t releasing them. They tried them on the Chinese server and it didn’t do so well

    Damn. I was hoping they’d release it for more content. I wonder what occurred on the Chinese server...
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    Zakonn1Zakonn1 Posts: 30
    They've been "coming soon" for longer than I've been playing (over a year). Same with all those "?" Masteries. Idk what kabam definition of soon is but it definitely doesn't match any I've heard of...
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    WOKWOK Posts: 468 ★★
    I've forgotten that I've been waiting nearly 3yrs now till I read this....... actually, come to think of it, I haven't been waiting that long, since waiting would consist of having an expectation of something to happen or change.Lol

    Like many other aspects of the game, I've been dissapointed to the point where I've either lowered or threw out any positive expectations I once had.
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    GriffoplayGriffoplay Posts: 269
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    I think you wanted to write 20022
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    LosspikLosspik Posts: 253 ★★
    Unfortunately itll likely be coming soon till the day MCOC shuts down but having played Forged to fight while its not a knockout feature I wouldnt mind seeing it ported to MCOC as it is there if for nothing else gives us a reason to rank up a few more champs past just AQ & AW.
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    TonyStarkTonyStark Posts: 354
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    Blax4everBlax4ever Posts: 683 ★★★
    with all of the time requirements for Alliances as is, where would the time come from to deal with another Alliance event?

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    KpatrixKpatrix Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    2000 never
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    There never going to do it.
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    same with our alliance picture, never gonna happen, will be coming soon forever
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    ThemanofjThemanofj Posts: 21
    When Kabam stops milking the whales
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    shchong2shchong2 Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    I was thinking, could it be by 2099? ....
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    Alpha07Alpha07 Posts: 649 ★★
    IDK. Maybe the past week.
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    YotzYotz Posts: 117
    No option for never. Kabam has already hinted that they aren't coming, ever. The concept was tested in the transformers game and it didn't quite work.
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    PiviotPiviot Posts: 658 ★★★
    How about never

    In the old forums they said they left it in as a joke

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    KobaltKobalt Posts: 29
    They are coming soon after winter. When Hell freezes over!!!!. 😍😍😍😍
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