Angela bugged after update?



  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    This is ridiculous!

    Angela is my main boss killer in AQ and regular questing, and now i’m getting combo-ed by the AI despite me landing a successful first hit.

    Progress in Act4 lost because of this, had to revive a few times, still the same. Had no choice but to quit the quest losing all progress coz i need to place her in AQ. Guess what, died in AQ as well.

    And now i come here and find that u guys have screwed her up.

    Seriously Kabam?!? I need to be compensated for this crappy bug.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,883 ★★★★★
    I don't even know why she was tampered with, she was fine as is, nothing even needed to be tweaked
  • mmmfriedchickenmmmfriedchicken Member Posts: 29
    4* 4/40 Angela took some major hits in AQ. If it was during a quest wouldn't be so bad but she's useless for AQ now.

    Only used her in the 1 fight so far but she absolutely plays slower than this morning.
  • Bobden89Bobden89 Member Posts: 25
    Well, I know this is obvious and probably the post will be deleted like many others, but isn't it obvious? don't you remember the old updates where they tried to make the AI a bit better and they refreshed instantly and couldn't even land a sp? or the updates where parry didn't work as intended because they introduced something new? Well, now 6* are here, so the bugs come as a package. Want 6*, accept the bugs.
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Bobden89 wrote: »
    Well, I know this is obvious and probably the post will be deleted like many others, but isn't it obvious? don't you remember the old updates where they tried to make the AI a bit better and they refreshed instantly and couldn't even land a sp? or the updates where parry didn't work as intended because they introduced something new? Well, now 6* are here, so the bugs come as a package. Want 6*, accept the bugs.

    The funny thing is NOBODY ever wanted 6* champions. There was like 0 demand for it.
  • WaynedavyWaynedavy Member Posts: 194
    Same here she can't intercept at all
  • Bobden89Bobden89 Member Posts: 25
    Sorry if i was misunderstood, it was meant as sarcasm :). I know most of the population barely has a package of 5*, let alone fully maxed ones, so ofc the 6* were introduced way too soon, but still.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Having .the same problem. iPad Air newest version of iOS. Can’t intercept at all she just seams super slow
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    I was fighting against uncollected Hulk Ragnarok with Archangel and hulk recovers too quickly from my specials. And if I try to intercept him with mine it just doesn't work. Not sure if it is a bug though, as I think this was happening before the update. Happened in iPad mini.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    My archangel can’t intercept since update , other champs ok (haven’t tried Angela yet, sounds like she’ll be a bench warmer till this is updated) a perfect timed intercept whiffed through the defender as I took the original punch to the face
  • Drago_007Drago_007 Member Posts: 10
    I’m having the same problem, but not just Angela. It’s every champ for me so far. I’m not gonna even try aq. It’s gonna screw me up. I’m playing on an iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 11.2.2
  • Poolio22Poolio22 Member Posts: 13
    Just got a 6 Star Angela. Hulk buster took her out. This is BS. Definitely broken.
  • Poolio22Poolio22 Member Posts: 13
    I’m also having trouble with initially starting a heavy. She’s all kind of screwed up.
  • CaptainStevioCaptainStevio Member Posts: 31
    Seeing the same issue with my Angela, playable but extremely frustrating. It feels like there's no impact in your hits. It makes her feel unresponsive. My question is how does this kind of thing happen and what can we do to help? What kind of additional information is needed? There's nothing regarding any changes to Angela in the patch notes so this makes no sense.
  • Steve76sSteve76s Member Posts: 23
    I just ranked my 5 star Angela to r4 after duping her. If this bug is going to take like all other bugs, months to fix then I want a rank down ticket for her. It's ridiculous that these bugs can't be addressed within a timely manner. Now I'm full and overflowing on health and revive pots prepping for an lol run with her and could kiss that good bye. Please keep in mind, I don't want to rank her down just return her to what she was 11 hrs ago
  • DemonKing_CielDemonKing_Ciel Member Posts: 11
    I was messing around with certain Champions in RoL using the mutant crit team. I decided to use Angela, but whenever I tried to do a medium hit, it delayed I was wondering if you could take a look at it please, thank you IMG_5109.MP4
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    @DemonKing_Ciel, you are right, many of us faced the same problem since >10 hours ago. They have been a few threads about it, would like to inform you that MOD has commented on the thread saying they are looking into it, thought you would like to know. I forgot which thread, maybe you can find them if you do some quick keyword search to see if MOD has updated any new meaningful info to it? Good luck and cheers!!
  • JohnnyBeastJohnnyBeast Member Posts: 59

    Thanks for the report. We'll take this to the team. If you (or anybody else reading this) have any more information, or come up with any more details , please let us know!

    New details I noticed on the Angela issue. Not only is there a delay, but after a parry my first medium completely missed the target. I was fighting vulture in the uncollected difficulty with the storm as the boss. Hopefully that will help locate the issue and get it resolved quickly. Thanks
  • ShinkumaShinkuma Member Posts: 3
    I’m having the same issue and I’m in AQ, my 5* is at half health after one fight.
  • Bulldog1981Bulldog1981 Member Posts: 2
    Since the latest update, her attack is not fluid. She is pausing after the first hit in what should be a 5 hit attack. I wasn’t the first person in my alliance to notice this. Has anyone else noticed this?
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    @Bulldog1981 , you are right, many of us faced the same problem since >10 hours ago. They have been a few threads about it, would like to inform you that MOD has commented on the thread saying they are looking into it, thought you would like to know.

    I forgot which thread, maybe you can find them if you do some quick keyword search to see if MOD has updated any new meaningful info to it?

    this is so that you are aware this has been reported >10 hours ago, and being acknowledged and looked at, so you won't need to waste time waiting for reply which may take long to get to you.

    Good luck and cheers!!
  • PrajneshPrajnesh Member Posts: 0
    edited February 2018
    After updating to 17.0 version i observed that angela is not much as faster in previous version.her all attacks are very slow. Mean time opponent taking advantage to hit.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    @Prajnesh , you are right, many of us faced the same problem since >10 hours ago. They have been a few threads about it, would like to inform you that MOD has commented on the thread saying they are looking into it, thought you would like to know.

    this is so that you are aware this has been reported >10 hours ago, and being acknowledged and looked at, so you won't need to waste time waiting for reply which may take long to get to you.

    Good luck and cheers!!
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    I wonder how many years would it takes for them to fix this
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    Interesting, just tried her in arena at 5/50 to see how badly she's affected, I expect this is only affecting intercepts. With parry + combo gameplay, she's behaving as normal for me.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Just tried her again. Her timing is way off after her first hit there’s a delay and you can forget trying to intercept.
  • LordBaldyBaldLordBaldyBald Member Posts: 265
    At least ya’ll can play. My iPhone won’t even let me play the game after the update. I haven’t even had the chance to rank up angela.
  • LordBaldyBaldLordBaldyBald Member Posts: 265
    When i could play some of the update, i noticed attacks missing though. It must be happening with Angela more than anyone based on this post, but i also had several instances when using vulture where i got a miss charge from raptor striking my opponent when they blocked. Then they charged in with a medium and missed, but then MY attack would miss. This happened several times before the game kicked me out and told me the internet doesn’t exist.
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