Looking For alliance

ColinJensen21ColinJensen21 Member Posts: 38
Hey all, I am currently looking for an alliance that runs Both AQ and AW, , completes events, but at the same time laid back. Also looking to progress since I currently do not get lots of T4 cats or crystal shards

IGN : ColinJensen21


  • StL_SuitsStL_Suits Member Posts: 68
    Still looking for an alliance? I'm the leader of a 7.3mil alliance and I'm looking for 1 active player. Our average member rating is 250k. We started this alliance from scratch so we have a lot of longtime and loyal members. We run an AQ cycle rotation every other week of 55544 and 55522. We do this because we bounce between Expert and Advanced every other week, so we run 55522 during weeks we’re in Expert to pick up a few alliance health/revive pots. Our war rating is 1425 and since the latest update we are now in tier 7 (tier 5 before update). We run AW 3x a week, and we're pretty flexible on war (usually run 1 or 2 BGs depending on AQ Map), but consitent participation is expected in AQ. We hit 100% in all 3 BGs consistently.

    We’re a laid back, but active, knowledgeable, and very well organized group. We accept the fact that people go on vacation, and have lives outside the game in general. So being unavailable on occasion is fine as long as it is communicated in advance. We use the LINE App for communication.

    Weekly donations are 93.5k gold, 17.5k battle chips, 8.5k Loyalty. We don't have requirements for any alliance events, because we don't need them. Everyone is expected to do their part, and very rarely do we miss hitting all milestones in Duels, Item Use, and Completion. We don't put a lot of emphasis in Arena events, but we do often hit all milestones in Perfect Series. We consistently finish in the 21% - 40% bracket for SA rewards, but occassionally we hit 6% - 20%.

    Let me know if you're interested, or have any questions.

    IGN: StL Suits
    Alliance: ShadowPower (TSP)
  • Sactown_raiderSactown_raider Member Posts: 60
    Come check out Won't Quit.
    Only mandatory is line app and be active. We have a strong group of members right now but need more. We have fun and get things done. Run AQ maps 2&3 working on moving up.
    Friend me on line sactown_raider
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