Blade or Sparky

Tom3579Tom3579 Member Posts: 55
edited February 2018 in Strategy and Tips
Both are unduped, I need to know who to take to r4 first, I haven’t completed act 5.3 or 5.4, thanks!

Blade or Sparky 41 votes

Jank39HeroBoltsyF4k3_GaM3rthanks4playingD_Ace_71Tom3579HzoriNiteAndDaeAjjohnsbb8BsnskaDrDeadpoolNext2Helldfmoore26SevSynSC08EmmanuelcoastBaccaBossMCStagedear85TurtleAddictTheRealmKeeper 20 votes
thetaman23Ace_03NguyenDauBuckeyeKPSuperman69Simplyidostuffbm3epps1haunted_memoryvinniegainzRevan0607GeneralDCGogetaStrheather0995Clinton2111BahamutPeterQuillTheHoodedDormammuGladiator09Nightwing6666 21 votes


  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Blade is great, but not as great as advertised imo. I’d rather Stark Spidey
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  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    For prestige!
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    In all honesty, Sparky has the ability to increase his base attack by getting poise charges. While Blade, he can only increases his base attack from synergy and when activating Danger Sense.

    So, I like a high base attack champ, hence, I'll go with Blade 'cause ranking up will give him extra attack rating. While Sparky, even at R4 can wreck damage in every fight when you have a lot of poise charges. So I'll go for Blade.
    Plus he has higher prestige than Sparky which is nice
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    I have both champs. My ss had more utility in 5.3 than blade. Higher consistent damage output, better powercontrol, no need to rely on synergies taking up valuable space in your squad. Plus he is better at tackling tricky specials.

    Blade only has god tier damage against targets that bleed (for power gain) and with synergies (e.g. ghostrider) against certain champs. As a result he can be a bit slower in some fights. If blade had been awakened it would be much closer as his regen will save you quite a bit in potions.

    Additionally for some of the trickier minibosses (5* spidey on unblockable 1, 5* dormammu unblockable 2 and powergain) stark spidey ends up working out as good as, if not better than blade.

    Once i did 5.4 100% i chose to r5 my 5* blade mainly for pi, aw boss kills and sustainable regen over stark spidey, who at r4 provides more than enough damage.
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 592 ★★★
    I would say blade. But honestly both are overratted unless it's 5★.
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