Wondering about Signature Levels sweet spot.
Can you help me to know how many Signature stones should I give my champions until is no longer necessary. When we reach the Signature Ability highest potential
Me current awakened champions are these:
4* Ghost Rider 4/40 Sig. 28
4* Archangel 4/40 Sig. 21
4* Dormammu 4/40 Sig. 21
4* Daredevil (Classic) 4/40 Sig. 46
4* War Machine 3/30 Sig. 27
4* Venom 3/30 Sig. 21
4* Spider-Man (Symbiote) 3/30 Sig. 21
4* Ms. Marvel 3/30 Sig. 20
Me current awakened champions are these:
4* Ghost Rider 4/40 Sig. 28
4* Archangel 4/40 Sig. 21
4* Dormammu 4/40 Sig. 21
4* Daredevil (Classic) 4/40 Sig. 46
4* War Machine 3/30 Sig. 27
4* Venom 3/30 Sig. 21
4* Spider-Man (Symbiote) 3/30 Sig. 21
4* Ms. Marvel 3/30 Sig. 20
It seems Sig 1 starts at ~50% of the max potential of a Sig 99.
By Sig 20 (Where it goes on a natural 4* dupe), it seems to go to ~75% of a Sig 99
By Sig 40, you are getting up to the ~85% of a Sig 99.
Those numbers aren't precise, but if gives you the idea of how you get significantly less per sig point the higher you go. As such, I don't find it worth adding sig stones to anyone past 20-40, depending on the value of the champ and their sig. I'd rather have the stones available in case I dupe something from the 4* Basic, and they start at Sig 1.
The real question is when do we reach that potential. For example, in Archangel we should give 33.3% per neurotoxin, for then stack of 3 hit 100%. But at which level do we encounter this 33.3
If only it were that easy. It varies between every champ. Some are totally fine at sig 20. And some champs the jump from 80 to 99 is an absolute necessity
if its so obvious, why are you wrong?
GR: you may choose to use sig stones on him or you may not. From my experience, it doesn't make too much of a difference but some extra attack is always nice
AA: 33.3 is around 47 iirc
Classic DD: sig99 to be 100% reliable
As for the rest, don't dump sig stones on them
If Dorm is going on defense then you want that sig to be as high as possible.
Daredevil (Classic) got 53 Signature level
At lvl 99 gets to a 100% projectile evasion