Players leaving a alliance during war before attack phase

Now this my not be new but it is very unbearable when players leave a active war before fulfilling they requirements to the alliance and now am felling its some kind of sabotage to ensure a alliance fail now kicking members is different cause u will know what kicking members while war could do to your team any many officers don't unless the member is really looking for it come on people lets be serious no body is asking u to stay if u not comfortable with an alliance but your timing could be viewed as revenge full and a direct sobatage to a alliance kabam should put something in place for these evil players so players know it's ah no no let me hear tour thoughts forum world
They could just as easily fight and throw the fight on purpose to give the defender 3 quick kills.
Maybe more people would respond if you actually gave an idea of what you think Kabam should do.
I personally don’t think they should do something about this, but it would be nice if someone couldn’t be kicked out while in war or aq. I recently got kicked out right before the end of war, after I’d revived and healed up to take on the final boss. Even worse, it was done on sunday right after I donated.
This implies they had a reason to want revenge / and or act out of spite..
Personally I would never leave during AW or AQ as it effects the whole alliance if I was annoyed I would state that and make it clear I was leaving after the event..
But I can't complain about others who do it during the event due to being treated poorly or being disrespected..
Unfortunately some alliances tend to forget members are people/players too.. Just because they are not a leader or officer doesn't mean they deserve any less respect..
Actually, this has happened to me. For about 18 months I ran an alliance and I’ve had to deal with a lot of bs people. Even people that leave like that, request to come back later, recieve a second chance and do it again. Not sure how much I’m to blame for those instances myself. But I do know that sometimes people left out of nowhere because they didn’t want to be in my alliance a second longer, part of that is on me for sure. Other cases they wanted to be in a new alliance with better rewards asap, that’s not on me. Sometimes a private matter makes them not wanna log in into the game and they either leave to not take up a spot, or don’t joing attack/finish aq.
No matter what the story is, I promise you there are very few people that join an alliance and place their defense with the sole purpose of leaving you hanging. That’s not how any of this goes down. There might be a few people because some people are weirder then others and they might find pleasure in that, but most people place their defense in war because they want to do war (and get the war rewards).
When people leave, it’s not with the purpose of screwing you over. Or at least that won’t be the only reason (and when it is part of the reason, I’m sure that something happened between you two). When people leave it’s because they either don’t want to be in your alliance anymore, or want to be in an other alliance more then in yours. I see now reason to force them to be in an alliance they don’t wanna be in, it’s a game.
Learn from my mistakes though, don’t allow people back that left you hanging, even if they appologize and promise not to do it again. People that do it once, will put their own needs and wishes before those of others again.
I'm weak. You funny bro lol.