I can't control my champ

Doc_HollamonDoc_Hollamon Member Posts: 173
My champs will just take off and do a medium attack whenever they feel like it. The bad part about it is they're taking off mostly right when my opponent does a sp2. It basically goes in auto fight when I'm holding block. I was fighting cable in map 5 and everytime he used his sp2 i would evade the first projectile but when he launches the second my champ will just take off for a medium attack. I have to quit because this is just ridiculous.


  • SnakePit71SnakePit71 Member Posts: 5
    I've had that ISSUE also in AQ and quests but only on the mystic sym's
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    mine throw a heavy attack , happens intermittently for a few hours randomly. Mike had commented saying they are aware of it and planning to get a fix..
  • Doc_HollamonDoc_Hollamon Member Posts: 173
    I have that random heavy issue also. I'm going to record some gameplay. I'm going to have to quit my alliance because i have to fight against my opponent and the game itself.
  • OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 240
    is happening to me also specially in AQ the champ you cant control it you dash back and he goes fowards like AI
  • SteelhardtSteelhardt Member Posts: 1
    I am also having the same problem. And always happens in AQ and AW. It's like it doesn't register when I tap the screen. My champ just stands there, can't block or attack. I have had to use units to get revives and health just to finish lanes.
  • Never_Give_UpNever_Give_Up Member Posts: 36
    Mine sometimes moved back even though I swipe front lol ...
  • NotYetShiningNotYetShining Member Posts: 9
    Im having the same issue. My gwenpool and Angela just charge the enemy and hit with a medium attack every time if I'm not careful. Please fix this.
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    Same issue fighting the yj before dorm...two champs in a row. Full health bw and full health x23
  • Doc_HollamonDoc_Hollamon Member Posts: 173
    I just fought Dom on day 4 over 9k attack. He hadn't laid a finger on my full health SW. Right in the middle of the fight she took off for a meduim attack. You can guess what happened next.
  • II_Vendetta_IIII_Vendetta_II Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2018
    Yes, when you block or evading attacks champions are dash in instead of blocking or evadeing

    That’s in I Phone 8 plus
  • WatersWaters Member Posts: 2
    I see a lot of comments here all regarding the same thing. This is happening to me since latest update.
    Whats being done? Its so bad i may have to stop playing
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  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    SAME! I was fine till master mode yesterday, all normal & suddenly dropping blocks, not picking up blocks, jetting around! Then exactly the same in AW (which is a REALLLLLY annoying mode for it to happen in) madness, went & checked my touch sensitivity settings & it was fine too (and just to be clear, no, Im not one of those who doesnt normally pass Master 😂) hope its not something with the S8 or something now too
  • Bannedjimmy419Bannedjimmy419 Member Posts: 6
    I am having issues where my heroes freeze when I try to do multiple medium attacks. I then get destroyed. This has been horrovle from the aspect of costing me units for revives, etc. It is also punishing my alliance by having me dragging them down. I don't want to quit my alliance, but this is not fair to them either.. Frustrating.
  • RememberValorRememberValor Member Posts: 11
    Sometimes, when I'm having issues, I GET GOOD, and they go away.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    I get heavy issues too. I was wondering if it was now due to how hard you pressed the screen and they had altered the sensitivity. I occasionally get medium issue (once a week or so.) A restart solves it for me.
  • Millz1914Millz1914 Member Posts: 5
    I have the same issue. They’ll dash fwd and I’m trying to block. #needsfixin
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  • RememberValorRememberValor Member Posts: 11
    You could get a life lol... that would be the BEST thing you could do for yourself and all of us.

    Ha! LOL! Maybe you could join me.
  • Bannedjimmy419Bannedjimmy419 Member Posts: 6
  • RememberValorRememberValor Member Posts: 11
    They just need to fix this whack ass broken **** game...

    Why can’t I block? Stark spidey Auto evades specials and gets locked up.... block is slow as hell again?! Like cmon

    The real reason I'm trolling is because of posts like this. You're on here complaining about how bad this game is. If it's that bad and you're having no enjoyment, stop playing. If you actually want to have fun with it and continue playing, don't make negative posts blaming something besides yourself and expect a positive change. Most of the issues people complain about aren't actually bugs or issues, but fundamental flaws in their play style that they could fix if they tried a little harder, or "got good". Things aren't going to change for you. You need to be the change.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★

    The real reason I'm trolling is because of posts like this. You're on here complaining about how bad this game is. If it's that bad and you're having no enjoyment, stop playing. If you actually want to have fun with it and continue playing, don't make negative posts blaming something besides yourself and expect a positive change. Most of the issues people complain about aren't actually bugs or issues, but fundamental flaws in their play style that they could fix if they tried a little harder, or "got good". Things aren't going to change for you. You need to be the change.

    What if they do not use the same device you are using?
    My champs do crazy stuff from time to time as well... and I am pretty sure it's device related.
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  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    Since the last update my champs are starting fights with a parry and then holding heavy until they get plastered. Unless I put my tablet to sleep and then wake it up again, they continue to hold the heavy attack the whole fight. I wasn't having these issues priror to the very last update (small update after the last major one). Others in my alliance are seeing this too. Are you under contract to break something that wasn't having problems when you fix something that was already a problem? I swear to god, it's like whack-a-mole with your bugs.
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