The A.I. recovery is getting worse every day. [Gathering Information]

FireatwillFireatwill Member Posts: 103
edited June 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
I'm not sure how it's possible that this is still broken. 12.0 was a long time ago now, this recovery issue is starting to look pretty shady on your part. It's been bad enough having specials blocked, parries failing, the impossible nature of landing a slow special after a 5 hit, but now I'm getting blocked before the last hit of a 5 hit combo even. I play on Iphone 7+, there are no performance issues. This has cost people so much more than any other issue since 12.0, and it's still here... getting worse daily...


  • FireatwillFireatwill Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2017
    It appears to be the champions that end their combo with a kick. Gamora, wolverine etc. I'm noticing it's very repeatable against the iron man in act 5.1.6. It's not every time, but will happen once or twice during that fight guaranteed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Not sure if it's my controls that are not as fast, or the AI is faster. I've noticed it the last few days. The response is almost immediate. It seems to be amped up. Not that upset. My hands are sore, though. Lol. Noticed it in the Infinite in the 3* and Basic Arenas. Thanks Miike.
  • FireatwillFireatwill Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2017
    Yeah, it's odd. It does seem sporadic. At times it's fine, then it feels as though the A.I. has been turned up past maximum for a bit. When this happens all the timings that you're accustomed to go out the window. You have to parry as fast as fresh 12.0, your specials get blocked, you'll get tagged by a crazy fast special, and even the 5th hit of a combo will be blocked. It seems to come in waves.
  • jeyrey2000jeyrey2000 Member Posts: 91
    yup! zero recovery. Specially that SYM in AQ that copies the Captain marvel double kick. He does that move and as soon as he lands hes attacking or blocking. If i try that with my Marvel i get my face smashed in if i miss the Special 2. Cheap Cheap Cheap
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    DLegend wrote: »
    Hmm, that's disheartening. We've made a number of optimizations that should have helped to at least alleviate this issue. Do you have some more information? Like who you were using, what you were attempting to do, against who, and in which mode?

    We also have the same issue in alliance quest where all characters and symbioids have a much more aggressive/complicated AI.

    Usually they will have reaction times that are impossible for a player to do. Such as the AI blocking straight after the special attack button gets pushed aftet a 5 hit combo.

    In other situations, the AI will dodge and interrupt the first part of a special with a light attack. This shouldn't happen because once a special has been activated, it cannot be interrupted.

    Wait a minute..... didn't i leave
    this comment in light blue? If there is an admin or moderator around, are we allowed to use BBcode in comments?
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I have noticed the aggression of the AI increases when you have any active boost. With player appreciation events giving a 20% XP boost, that aggression level has been activated. Some boosts seem to effect the AI aggression more than others (attack/health seem to activate the hardest aggression). Because of this, I won't do arena fights if I have an attack/health boost still active after fighting in AQ/AW. I've lost my arena streak a couple of times to lower rank/level opponents because their aggression levels were so high I got trapped in the corner and would get KOd before my SP3 was even available.

    Having a slightly increased aggression is not necessarily a bad thing if your play style is Parry/bait oriented, but when it's turned up too much your champs can't recover fast enough to even attempt parrying.

    Symbiote in AQ seems to be the biggest culprit with the issues described above (especially the rapid recovery & quick specials). I have also noticed they aren't as easy to Parry as the playable champs. I have experienced the aggression/recovery issues across all game modes.
  • AkumaAkuma Member Posts: 8
    Yes. I am on a iPhone 6s+. Parrying is still very inconsistent/difficult. AI seems to be able to recover from heavys and specials to block attacks/parry/use their own specials extreme quickly. Evade back is working extremely well tho.

    Been playing for 2.5 years with 400k+ rating.
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    edited June 2017
    This is why these problems are so hard for them to fix. I have never experienced issues with specials being blocked or parry timing.

    Since playing with Mordo more often I have developed the MLLLM play style and have always done specials after the 3rd or 4th hit never after the fifth.

    I play on an iPhone 6S or and iPhone 6
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Well, my first thought was Masteries since they are recovering faster after Parries, but it's overall responsiveness. Pretty much every move is immediately countered. It's almost predictive. Lol. Makes for a good challenge.
  • Rahul_ContestRahul_Contest Member Posts: 105
    Yeah AI is behaving more aggressively like at the end of their heavy attack when i just swipe to attack, it just fires their special attack or intersect my attack perfectly and i loose my combo. Sometimes no matter how hard i try to bait they just don't use their special attack and saves power until 3 bar is full. They just keep using the heavy attack and wait for full 3 bar of power.
  • Tiara321SaltinessTiara321Saltiness Member Posts: 12
    I also notice but nothing we can do they probably won't fix it, we probably have to adapt by using all our resource, also becareful if u a second late after ai do heavy they will do special on u and the result too much potion
  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2017
    In AI hyper aggressive mode the AI will seem to teleport on top of you for its dash forward attack. Not sure if that a lag issue or what but sometimes the distance covered in the amount of time is just not possible by a player. I was fighting Dormammu with Groot, went for a heavy, when I started he was in a block, by the time Groot's fist came out, big D suddenly appeared so close to me the fist was almost behind him. The hit registered the suddenly he was back to where he was blocking before the heavy was started.
  • FireatwillFireatwill Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2017
    Rich_Ryder wrote: »
    In AI hyper aggressive mode the AI will seem to teleport on top of you for its dash forward attack. Not sure if that a lag issue or what but sometimes the distance covered in the amount of time is just not possible by a player. I was fighting Dormammu with Groot, went for a heavy, when I started he was in a block, by the time Groot's fist came out, big D suddenly appeared so close to me the fist was almost behind him. The hit registered the suddenly he was back to where he was blocking before the heavy was started.

    Yeah I agree, it seems like it's either lagging in waves, or normal with bursts of sped up A.I. recovery. It's hard to tell if it's some kind of visual lag , but feels more like the A.I. recovery time is going through the roof temporarily. I tested Nightcrawler in act 5 since he's already fast ...killed me so quickly at one point, that it didn't even show the animation. It could very well be a combination of both.
  • kolomvoskolomvos Member Posts: 13
    I don't think that's a problem, who cares if the AI acts differently in different game modes? It's a fighting game, adapt, be a better player and smash it :)

    It's not supposed to be easy, otherwise there's no challenge and it's just another boring game.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    kolomvos wrote: »
    I don't think that's a problem, who cares if the AI acts differently in different game modes? It's a fighting game, adapt, be a better player and smash it :)

    It's not supposed to be easy, otherwise there's no challenge and it's just another boring game.

    You don't understand how it feels, having to adapt differently everyday. It's a pain in the @** to have to change fighting styles regularly.
  • Rahul_ContestRahul_Contest Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2017
    kolomvos wrote: »
    I don't think that's a problem, who cares if the AI acts differently in different game modes? It's a fighting game, adapt, be a better player and smash it :)

    It's not supposed to be easy, otherwise there's no challenge and it's just another boring game.

    It's not that i don't like challenge but what I'm saying is that ATM AI is so much aggressive that it's sooo good at intersecting, fire off special just when you are going to attack him or catches you mid air just when you swipe back or try to bait special. In short there is no way that we can play to beat the opponents. For ex, YJ in day 5 of AQ (with around 8k prestige) keep using his heavy attack and saves power until he is at full 3 bar power and this is happening to me since the update 13.0. Kabam really need to look into the situation and do some fruitful work.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Got parried by the AI mid combo today which was fun... seems most common with any champ that finishes a mlllm combo with a jump kick (e.g. Gamora)

    Also had numerous times where I've pressed my special multiple times and my champ just stands there doing nothing.

    AI is sometimes able to pull off a 5 hit combo (usually because of the above issue) and immediately launch into another 5 hit combo before my champ has recovered, and to top it off it by that point you're probably in the corner, and the AI just stands there block down waiting for you to even attempt an attack.
    Spoiler alert: if you attempt an attack you will get parried, if you try a special attack it'll get parried and then they'll launch into another combo while your champ recovers.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Well, my first thought was Masteries since they are recovering faster after Parries, but it's overall responsiveness. Pretty much every move is immediately countered. It's almost predictive. Lol. Makes for a good challenge.

    Not when you fights opponents that can kill you in 1 shot from a full health on 5\50 or 4\55 in AQ.
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    Yeah. This isn't about "getting better" there are hyperactive glitches with the AI. It's not the same as playing Street Fighter or Tekken on high levels. It's a glitch.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    edited June 2017
    Check this out from AQ just a bit ago. Go to about 1:14 and watch how Howard recovers to parry my 4 hit combo to my SP2... I timed it PERFECTLY (I'm pretty good at this game after almost 2 years of playing!)... ain't cool ya'll. I still beat his @$$ but that's besides the point. =)
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    Interesting... just watched it at the 2:20 mark again and pulled off an SP1 after the EXACT 4 hit combo! Why was he still staggering at the end of that one and not the SP2. Seems like the amount of time it takes to execute the special is about the same from SP1 to SP2 for Cap Marvel right or is SP1 a split second faster?
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  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    I don't get why you all expect the AI not the be difficult... no fun if it's plain and simple and they don't attack.

    They recover quicker but so what... so can we. Adjust the way you play
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    edited June 2017
    They recover quicker but so what... so can we.

    I'm seriously at a loss for how you can say, "... so can we"... pretty sure in countless hours of grinding arenas, quests, etc., before and since 12.0 I have NEVER parried a special after being rolled by a 4-5hit combo from the AI. I could be wrong though...

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