What has happened to Premium Hero Crystals?

Just wanting to start the discussion regarding the sheer lack of 4 stars being awarded from PHC's. Since I became Uncollected I have not pulled one single 4 star from a PHC. And this has been going on for over 6 months. Anyone else experiencing this 'bad luck'? And yes I am aware that the result of every single crystal that we the players spin or pop is pre determined by Kabam. I simply want to know if this is a deliberate tact of Kabams to withhold 4 stars from PHC's for the Uncollected players.
You know it's hardly ever a 4*, so just don't buy them.
Shards are easily enough to collect with rewards for events, get loads a month and just try get lucky.
I told him again and again don't buy PHC, would he listen?
Like hell he did.
He got 4* BP.
I pulled a 4* BW dupe yesterday too.
I expect 2* every time and I'm surprised when it's something better
I got two 4*'s from premiums last week
No reason to buy FGM crystals either. No one is forcing you to do anything.