Icemans ice armor - broken?

What’s up with icemans ice armor? I’ve been seeing more and more, after it’s lost and the timer ticks down to reset it, it doesn’t rearmor just disappears all together. -yea that’s real nice in aw when you need that armor back up and it’s not there anymore, but I’ve been seeing it in the arena on the opponent too.
did the opponent stagger/block it?
Another great counter to Mephisto is Void, infact Void is a much better counter outside of the immunity node. Completely Shuts down and reverses his power gain, including power gain from MD. As well as reversing/stopping any healing he gets like that from an arc overload/recovery node or his persistent soul charges when he hits 30% health.
Yeah I know about void, I personally don’t have him which is why I didn’t mention him. Regardless, this doesn’t take away from the fact that icemans ice armour is still a bug
I’ve had ice armor fail to cap damage at 5% a few times lately. The most recent was last War in tier 3. I was using 5* r3 unduped Iceman, fighting a duped 4* r5 BPCW on the Bleed/SP1/Spite node 44.
I remember specifically because BPCW was very close to 3 bars and I had dexterity triggering Spite. Ice armor was down and wasn’t going to reform before BPCW filled the third bar. I waited till the last second and then hit his block with a MLLL combo, buying just enough time for Ice armor to reform a couple hits into my combo. When I backed off BPCW went into his SP3 immediately and I remember the very first hit of his animation taking my health down from 10% to 3% and the second hit taking the rest.
I know one time I specially remember was in aw on an aon node. I was using iceman and the opponent was a hype, I took the first s3 with ice armor on, after taking the s3 I danced around waiting for my timer to finish ticking down, when it finished ticking down ice armor wasn’t there and ended up taking the next s3 and was kod.
Just the other day in the arena I was fighting an iceman and I don’t remember who I was using against him, but I broke his ice armor, timer ticked down and his ice armor didn’t reform. Whoever I was using can’t nullify or negate his ice armor...I just can’t remember who I was using.
There’s been other occurrences, but these 2 I remember the most. It’s been happening to others in my alliance and everyone is trying to figure out what’s going on...especially when it’s in aw and that ko can make or break the win.
Tbis has happen agains hyperions thor ragnarok now deadpool.