Member Posts: 4
Will there ever be an normal-sized version of Dormammu?
More interested in knowing WHY do you want normal size Dormammu?
Maybe a little false hope that a normal size Dormammu would not be near as laggy to fight against.
The lag is not caused by his size, but by the visual effects of his attack animations.
Like I said then false hope.
Dormammu is not Galactus. A lot of comic drawings of him had him as a slender regular sized guy.
I'd prefer they got rid of whatever causes the lag rather than shrink him though. It's kind of ridiculous that someone that laggy is made the main boss of aq
1: Dormammu’s size has nothing to do with lags
2: Dormammu is that size because he has been taken from his natural dimension and used a body to travel from the Dark Dimension to the Battlerealm