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bring back rank down tickets

edited June 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
please that was one of the best things that happened


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    i need them
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    Dont WE All ....
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    If we could have even just 1 of each 4*&5*. I'll be grateful.
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    wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Posts: 366 ★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    forgive the ignorance. i wasn't around last time.
    rank down tickets are used to lower the rank of a champion, correct?
    what's the benefit of doing that?

    To undo poor rank up decisions
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    Bambam7700Bambam7700 Posts: 38
    Please bring them back
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    edited June 2017
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    forgive the ignorance. i wasn't around last time.
    rank down tickets are used to lower the rank of a champion, correct?
    what's the benefit of doing that?

    the beautiful thing about RDTs is getting your resources back (Iso, gold, T4 basics & T4CCs but most ppl only want their t4cc's back, as they are hard to come by & u can grind for a t4 basics & other stuff)

    So, u can invest those resources into a diiferent champ u like or has great synergies with other champs u have

    Or hold onto those resources for a champ, u KNOW, u will grind for

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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,304 ★★★★★
    Not coming back. Stop requesting for them you babies.

    If you made a wrong rank up choice, then suck it up and accept that you made the wrong choice like a man.
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    Lol...& Im STILL dreaming of of day where only kabam tries to squash our dreams.
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