The future of MCOC

A few years ago, Kabam showed a timeline of main events (and acts) for the foreseeable future. I cannot find it anywhere, but it is safe to say, that it probably changed along the way.
In any case, spoiler alert for the end of act 5.
When the act finished, we got that message saying "To be concluded in Act 6". Concluded, not continued. Which makes sense to me. And I will tell you why.
There was a big gap between acts 4 and 5. In that meantime, the game went through a lot of big changes, like the willpower nerf and the introduction of more champions to the 5 star crystal. By the time Act 5 started, people were supposed to have progressed to a point where they would already possess a 5 star rank 4 (judging by the rewards around the end of act 4 and LoL). By the end of Act 5, we are getting 6 stars and the possibility to rank 5 our five stars.
There are no more stars, so my guess is Act 6 will be 6 star worthy and will reward the resources to rank up those six star champs. After that I would rather this game to end and start anew in Marvel Contest of Champions 2. Maybe convert our 5 stars to the new 4 stars, or something like that. I don't know, but it seems to me like the game peaked before the 6 stars were introduced. Getting in the game is not as fun as it used to with the energy cost of Act 4, and the feeling that you are missing on something for not being uncollected. So I think this game is still popular because it is addictive for us veterans mostly. But this is just my point of view. I am pretty sure the game is very profitable and they would probably start a new story in the game with a new Act 1. I am not sure about the level of difficulty that should have after Act 6, though.
So what are your thoughts on where the game could possibly go?
In any case, spoiler alert for the end of act 5.
When the act finished, we got that message saying "To be concluded in Act 6". Concluded, not continued. Which makes sense to me. And I will tell you why.
There was a big gap between acts 4 and 5. In that meantime, the game went through a lot of big changes, like the willpower nerf and the introduction of more champions to the 5 star crystal. By the time Act 5 started, people were supposed to have progressed to a point where they would already possess a 5 star rank 4 (judging by the rewards around the end of act 4 and LoL). By the end of Act 5, we are getting 6 stars and the possibility to rank 5 our five stars.
There are no more stars, so my guess is Act 6 will be 6 star worthy and will reward the resources to rank up those six star champs. After that I would rather this game to end and start anew in Marvel Contest of Champions 2. Maybe convert our 5 stars to the new 4 stars, or something like that. I don't know, but it seems to me like the game peaked before the 6 stars were introduced. Getting in the game is not as fun as it used to with the energy cost of Act 4, and the feeling that you are missing on something for not being uncollected. So I think this game is still popular because it is addictive for us veterans mostly. But this is just my point of view. I am pretty sure the game is very profitable and they would probably start a new story in the game with a new Act 1. I am not sure about the level of difficulty that should have after Act 6, though.
So what are your thoughts on where the game could possibly go?
Lol, we don't know what the show runners are thinking either.
Haha, just kidding, looks like
.... the 6* is going to grow in batches of 2 dozens once every few months, and maybe by the end of 2018 we'll have a healthy pool of 96 known/released 6* champs in the pool?
.... and looks like Act 5 will NOT be enough to sustain the interest of top-tier end-gamers, so looks like we are going to need new Act 6.x before middle of the year?
.... Other than that, I guess no more major changes except monthly events,
.... occasional special events (and in conjunction with movie premier and DVD releases),
.... slight improvements in AW if needed,
.... selected BUFFS in stages along with BETA,
.... planned new champ release,
.... various bugs fixes from time to time (and many more new bugs added along the way),
.... regular emergency maintenance down time,
.... same old boring monthly calendar,
.... etc
Is this the FUTURE we are looking forward to?
Well, they may release the complete Act 6 between this year and early next year. That is almost til 2020 of story mode til everyone catches up. So I don't think there is an Act 7 in their plans.
Looking at the rate of Marvel acquiring, cross-licensing, buying, etc various rights, and judging at how DC fails to break into the cinematic universe to even come close to Marvel's success, I'm looking forward to Act8 in year 2020 introducing Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, Green Lantern, Martian, Cyborg, Flash, Dr Fate, etc ....
LOL just kidding .... like that's going to happen (in my dreams only)
p/s: I'm actually a bigger DC fan myself, but DC is not doing a good job themselves (except for their Anime series, and their Injustice 2)
I am a DC fan as well. I do not play Injustice 2, but most people I know, do not know about MCOC, but know about Injustice 2.
Even more, Injustice comic book was amazingly good compared to MCOC failed comic-book. This game seems to be everything to the people playing it, but seems to have very little fame.
Besides, MCOC already introduced Superman in this game, he just happens to be called Hyperion.
Act 4
Act 5
Act 6
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 7
Anna Marie one
Act 8
Solo event-A Kabam Story
Act 9
Since they are hinting at a return from Thanos, it seems like he will be back for Act 6. But it also seems like they were planning to have things in common with the movies. So now that Thanos is going away, the game will probably continue in the same stories the movies are using. They use comic book stories mostly for special "monthly" quests. But still not sure if they will start a new story or not after Act 6.
That's not entirely accurate. Originally the comment was that they had plans up until 2020. Then it was commented that they are looking at up to 2025. I see no reason to believe that Act 7 is not possible.
I've only been playing since February 2017. I've noticed a few things for event quests, story quests, and the two combined:
Event Quest Stories = Like you said lots of borrowing from the comics but also from the movies (Illuminati and MCU)
Story Quest Stories = Mostly borrowing from comics. The Collector was around in the 60s, Maestro is from the early 90s, and The Grandmaster is from the late 60s.
Combined Stories = From what I've read on the forum the one thing common to both event quest and story quest stories is MCOC's version of Infinity Stones. All MCOC antagonists except for maybe The Grandmaster and Kang have an interest in obtaining those stones, with Thanos currently in possession of 3 of 6 with Black Panther having the other 3. Thanos is the current MCU main villain and the Illuminati has only been together in the comics.
I'm not so sure Act 6 will be centered on or even involve Thanos. The end of Act 3 seemed to hint that Ultron OG would be a huge part of Act 4, and didn't make a single appearance. This could be partially be explained by the creation of LOL, but the next time Ultron OG showed up in story quests was in 5.4.6 as the final boss.
I think Thanos will be a part of Act 6 if The Collector's daughter ends up being the final stone (the "Cornerstone"). Given the random transitions from Act 3 to Act 4 (meaningless Ultron OG buildup) and Act 4 to Act 5 (Thanos disappears from story quests) Act 6 could be anything. With Disney recently purchasing Fox I'm hoping that Dr. Doom and The Fantastic Four make an appearance at some point. Being able to use the rights to all of Marvel's characters means we could finally see Marvel's best villain make an appearance:
the stars wont even fit in the character square thinggy length wise lmao!
The Ultron thing at the end of Act 3 is one of the "planning" issues this game had. The game was released before Age of Ultron, so they may have thought Act 4 was going to be ready by then. But it didn't. So they instead created the first special quest (not sure if it was age of ultron or rage of ultron, or ultron attacks). In any case, Ultron was the main boss there with minions (drones). It was a huge thing and lasted a couple of months until Ant-man came out. By the time Act 4 was released late 2015, Maestro was the new big bad.
Most of the stories and characters come from the comics, but they mostly borrow things that are movie related (like their version of Mordo, Sparky, Quake). Their strategy always revolves around the marketing for the movies and tv shows. Only a few times they did special events based on events happening in the comics at the moment, like Terrigenocide or Secret Empire. With this in mind, if you had to predict where they could be going, you have to imagine what the marketing would be for the MCU.
My guess is that the last boss could be The Grandmaster, as they will need to finish that story between the two and Carina. Now, about Thanos, that was probably going to happen around June in a special monthly event, but Disney just moved the release of Infinity War for next month. That is probably going to complicate Kabam's plans. But I am expecting a resolution for the infinity stones in a special monthly quest that we will not remember. Just like you weren't aware of that Ultron special quest. Because Kabam rarely invests in the story of this game. And because it wasn't a good story from the start, the player base mostly does not care about it either, they just want events and new champs to play with, which is acceptable.
On Doctor Doom. I think they do not have restrictions as Kang is most likely a Fantastic Four character (and I think belongs to FOX). In any case, comcast wants to buy FOX as well, so that deal will take a bit longer than usual to end.