Fix AW: Pls add more Attack Bonus steps! 3 are not enough
What happened lately is that my alliance barely lost AW even with higher defensive kills, demonstrating to have better players/skills. This is quite frustrating.
After the last AW, being an officer dedicated to AW defense and strategy, something became very clear: 3 Attack bonus levels are not enough!
Pls take a look at the screenshots:
How on earth almost 40 defensive kills more than the opponents, mean less than 500 points?
increase the Attack Bonus steps to 9 - so that repeated deaths on the same defender counts more!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Ad0ra_
After the last AW, being an officer dedicated to AW defense and strategy, something became very clear: 3 Attack bonus levels are not enough!
Pls take a look at the screenshots:
How on earth almost 40 defensive kills more than the opponents, mean less than 500 points?
increase the Attack Bonus steps to 9 - so that repeated deaths on the same defender counts more!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Ad0ra_
More steps would also mean every death meant less, which I do not agree with. And if you counter with making them worth more points, then it skews whats important in war. I do like the setup currently, and it might be able to use some minor tweaks. but 9 steps? I don't think thats the right answer.
Did you mean barely won?
@Primmer79 the boss got just 4 deaths. Our minis and a few hidden champs got most of the kills. So I don't agree it's only about the boss.
Not being rewarded makes all the possible defensive strategy pointless...
Never asked about agreement or made a point, just said I was lacking that information to make a full comment.
We do get rewarded, per your picture. However, you're asking to be rewarded more. Are you asking for the same attack bonus, but less points per death? or are you asking for attack bonus to be greatly increased?
Right now, if you've got a 5r5 defender, it's almost better to put them on a lane to get 3 kills where you usually might not. Instead of placing them as boss, because after 3 kills it doesn't matter anymore.
I believe that each defender should have more Attack Bonus levels, not only 3 before being zeroed.
The full bonus could be slightly higher also, but having more levels would actually rewards an alliance that goes through defense with no deaths, or let's say one, against someone who just keeps reviving after the first 3 deaths to take down a node.
Let's say the attack bonus stays the same. This diminishes the value of each death. Not against each other, but against the other forms of earning points, i.e. diversity. If the attack bonus is increased, it puts more weight on skill and not dying at all, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but its already a big value.
If the full bonus gets bumped up, the Attack bonus left could be scaled down with an increased percentage up to 9.
Example: Full bonus 600 points
1 kill: 500
2 kills: 450
3 kills: 400
4 kills: 300
5 kills: 250
6 kills: 200
7 kills: 100
8 kills: 50
9 kills: 0