Active Buffs, 500% Power Gain
Today I was running Expert quest in Modok Lab I got this Unstoppable Colossus with a buff power gain 100%, a buff power gain 200% and a Cornered Power Gain 200%.
So, with all this actived he could gain 500%, it's crazy.
I saw many things weird in this Lab, but the randomize system really need some work to prevent that and make better experiences for players.
Any thoughts?
So, with all this actived he could gain 500%, it's crazy.
I saw many things weird in this Lab, but the randomize system really need some work to prevent that and make better experiences for players.
Any thoughts?
ROFL so you think the "randomize system" needs work to prevent ending up with completely random nodes. Do you even hear how you sound?
Here's a thought. Think before you post.
Luckily, every now and then it gives a buff to some champion that cannot use it, so I guess it is a bit balanced, but still, some combinations should be audited and corrected.
It's very simple
As bad as it is when that comes up, the fact that players have reroll dice actually makes this something that is more likely to operate in favor of the players than against them. The math is lengthy, but the short version is that when the system is completely random there's a chance to get stacked up buffs like this, but if you rig the system to eliminate this possibility then you increase the chances for all the buffs to be different. Because more of the buffs work against the player than for the player, the more diverse the buffs are forced to be the more likely it is you will have a worse combination for the player.
For example, I actually got a related set: Cornered, Cornered, Power Gain. That's also potentially bad but with Magik you can eliminate the problem with cornered (no bleed or poison) and you can power lock. If you are good enough to bait and evade well enough to work around one power gain buff until you get to SP2, you're home free. But if that was rigged to reroll the duplicate cornered I could have gotten the high degen or the fast poison debuff which then makes that strategy far less viable. Since I can reroll, I would rather the system sometimes stack duplicates because sometimes that is good for me and sometimes that is bad for me, but I get rerolls. When the buffs are forced to be all different there is a much higher chance that at least one of them will be highly problematic.
Rolling the dice does always work, in that it always gives you a randomly generated set of buffs.
I don't bother with these anymore so I just quit after my entire team died. It's really not worth the effort or the grind.
When your last pull is a 5* She Hulk you tend to stop trying for 5* shards. no motivation just do the very minimum.
Game is just rigged.
Yes, it always gives something random, I am just expecting it not to be the same set 4 times in a row. At least they shouldn't repeat the exact set twice in a row, I am ok if it repeats after 2 rolls, but it is pretty annoying to get the same debuff over and over.
But I said, with all this actived he could gain %500. You can also put poison, incinerate, shock on him, etc
You know what I mean. I'd say Unnecessary, the way you talked.
But let's put some point, the combinations could be improved to prevent similar buffs like I posted, and when you reroll you get different buffs (because even we know they are "random", but sometimes you have to reroll 3 or 4 times to get different buffs, they are the same, at some point).
Ex: think that we have 6 fights per quest, and for every opponent you have to reroll 3 or 4 times because the combinations, so you have to reroll 18 to 24 in a single quest, but you only get 4 per cicle of quest. If you think in this way, sometimes don't worth the quest when you get those things.
Do you get it now?
If I incinerate with Hyperion or shock with Nebula, yes, it will be damage over time.
And I think frostbite or cold snap don't act as damage over time to activate this buff (but I didn't test with last update yet to see if trigger on, in fact).
I got a 500% plus power gain Hyperion in my original. 200% for both players and 300% for him. No cornered either