
So... lets talk about symbiote characters. I’m not gonna describe how bad they are. The only good ones are symbiote spidey and AV. Come on kabam. Symbiotes are definitely stronger than this. I mean pretty much all of them hit like an wet noodle. Can we put anti venom in the game,and put him on the levels of blade and SMSE. Can he be powerful like how he was in the comics? Maybe life steal,regen,fury,auto block,power drain,stun,poison,bleed, Yes,op. So is blade,yet he isn’t nerfed. But unlike blade,make someone in the contest actually counter him. Synergies should be gold.
Signature: The Cure
While cured, the opponents defensive ability accuracy is reduced by 5%
Whenever Anti-venom hits with an Critical hit, The opponent is “cured” therefore draining their power and stealing their life.
Whenever anti-venom cures the opponent,the bleeds,poison and the stun on them are refreshed.
Passive:Swipe back and block for X(I recommended 2 seconds) seconds to activate regeneration,healing 50% of anti venoms health over 10 seconds.
When the ability has been used, wait 25 seconds to use again.
When Eddie is catched off guard,the symbiote has an 75% chance to protect his host and auto block. Can trigger parry. (3 second cooldown)
Anti-Venom using claws cuts open his opponent.
Inflicts bleed,dealing X damage over X seconds.
Anti-Venom uses his tendrils to drain the life of their opponent.
Drains the opponents health up to X based on damage
Anti-Venom webs up his opponent while using his claws and a sword to finish them off.
Inflicts bleed and poison,dealing X damage over X seconds.
Anti-venom has an 50% chance to gain an passive fury buff. This stacks up infinitely.
Anti-venom has an 50% chance to inflict bleed or poison on their opponent,dealing X damages over X seconds.
Anti-venom has an 50% chance to web up their opponent,stunning them for X seconds.
Filthy spiders!
When going against spider man characters:
80% reduced defensive ability accuracy on spiderman champions
125% damage
125% increased recovery.
When an damage over time debuff is inflicted on anti venom, Anti-venom shrugs it off,regenerating 5% of his health over 4 seconds.
When an non damage over time debuff(Both passive and active) is inflicted on anti-venom,Anti-venom bypasses the effect
The poisons with all other symbiote characters
Anti-venom: The chance to stun is increased by an flat 25%
Other symbiote characters:Gains an fury, increasing damage by 100% for 5 seconds.
Hatred with SMSE
Anti-venom:Filthy spiders! Is expanded to all villians.
SMSE: Gains an 15 second healblock on heavy.
Signature: The Cure
While cured, the opponents defensive ability accuracy is reduced by 5%
Whenever Anti-venom hits with an Critical hit, The opponent is “cured” therefore draining their power and stealing their life.
Whenever anti-venom cures the opponent,the bleeds,poison and the stun on them are refreshed.
Passive:Swipe back and block for X(I recommended 2 seconds) seconds to activate regeneration,healing 50% of anti venoms health over 10 seconds.
When the ability has been used, wait 25 seconds to use again.
When Eddie is catched off guard,the symbiote has an 75% chance to protect his host and auto block. Can trigger parry. (3 second cooldown)
Anti-Venom using claws cuts open his opponent.
Inflicts bleed,dealing X damage over X seconds.
Anti-Venom uses his tendrils to drain the life of their opponent.
Drains the opponents health up to X based on damage
Anti-Venom webs up his opponent while using his claws and a sword to finish them off.
Inflicts bleed and poison,dealing X damage over X seconds.
Anti-venom has an 50% chance to gain an passive fury buff. This stacks up infinitely.
Anti-venom has an 50% chance to inflict bleed or poison on their opponent,dealing X damages over X seconds.
Anti-venom has an 50% chance to web up their opponent,stunning them for X seconds.
Filthy spiders!
When going against spider man characters:
80% reduced defensive ability accuracy on spiderman champions
125% damage
125% increased recovery.
When an damage over time debuff is inflicted on anti venom, Anti-venom shrugs it off,regenerating 5% of his health over 4 seconds.
When an non damage over time debuff(Both passive and active) is inflicted on anti-venom,Anti-venom bypasses the effect
The poisons with all other symbiote characters
Anti-venom: The chance to stun is increased by an flat 25%
Other symbiote characters:Gains an fury, increasing damage by 100% for 5 seconds.
Hatred with SMSE
Anti-venom:Filthy spiders! Is expanded to all villians.
SMSE: Gains an 15 second healblock on heavy.
Don’t worry man,everyone was disappointed with carnage.