Arena Insane matchup...

Every time after 23,24,25,26 or 27 winning streaks I am facing a insane matchup...
Don't know how to get through this...
Its annoying to start from win streak 1 every time...
Don't know how to get through this...
Its annoying to start from win streak 1 every time...

Some ppl may say sandbagging is for noob, but it depends. Arena grinding is a long, tiring & painful process. I fought >60k arena fights in <6 months. Sometimes I don't even have time to look at the screen when fighting arena. Sometimes I'm multi-tasking, like 2 eyes on my PC monitor on something else, and 0 eye on the h/p screen. So I want as easier fight as possible, as faster kill as possible, as shorter time spent as possible, and as higher point as possible.
Pls, continue to grow your rosters, that's the only way to go about it. Everyone started with few 3* maxed out, but if you keep going, eventually you are going to have >100 3* champs max'ed out. For now, while I put more focus on ranking my 5*s and 4*s, I still continue to built my roster for arena even for 2* and 3* champs.
I managed to get all 80 of my 4* champs at least R3 for arena purposes (good ones will goto R4 or R5), and I keep 2 unranked for sandbagging (groot & KG). I still put focus on my 3* rank up too, I collected almost every single new 3* champs from arena, and continue to rank up weekly, to-date I think I manage to get 70 of them max'ed out, and I'll continue.
At this point, you can see that I have more than enough champs to fully utilize my 2-hour slot without needing to recharge any. By the time I went thru all my 3* max champ one round, it is almost 2 hours up, and they have refreshed and the grinding cycle repeats again.
Btw, I don't spend much in this game, and I'm still pretty new to the game, 1+ yr old only. Build your roster, and you'll find yourself being able to fight 4~6 arena concurrently. Every week, I still do the Crystal arena for minimum reward, 3* arena for new champs (else min reward), 4* arena for champs I yet to pop (else min reward), 4* featured for min reward, 5* featured for min reward, and the catalyst arena (t1a, t4b, t4cc) for catalyst ......
keep up your good work and you will be able to do so easily soon.
This. My guess is that when you arena grind you start with your strongest champs and work your way downward. So by the time you have done twenty-something matches you are using your lowest champs. There are infinite streak guides out there that can help, but the very short answer is that when you are building streak the matches start easy, but they get harder as your streak gets higher. It peaks around 14, then starts to get a little easier. BUT the difficulty of the matches is based on how strong a team you are using. The stronger you are, the less strong the opponents are. If you dip below a certain strength, measured by adding up the PI of your three champions (more or less), the opponents get very hard relatively speaking.
So you need to stay above a certain level, and not use champs below that level. Since the early fights are always easy, it is actually better to use your weakest champs first, then your stronger champs later (particularly from about 9 to 16). After that, stop using champs below a certain strength. What's that strength? Depends on the specific arena event you're in. The guides on the internet for "infinite streak" will have more precise recommendations.
don't worry about it
Not reading all that
paid per word, bro
Not asking you to, and looks like you are NOT planning to offer anything constructive.
This is NOT intended for you, and no one here cares if you are reading or not
If you have something good & meaningful and constructive to offer to OP, we thank you and we will be happy to read your post
There's a word for your current behavior, but I forgot what it is called ;-)
That rule is a little too abbreviated, insofar as it doesn't always work.
Its helping me to understand the arena matches...
Thanks all of you guys..
I think I should not use low champs after certain level...
Keep your champs above a certain rating
Can u explain???
Sympathy with you mate, but that's how game goes on
You'll grow your roster in few months and then it all be like way too easy and kinda boring 💤 too..
Sandbag technique is good but if you don't want to lose your streak then don't use lower pi champs after streak 15