Are those recent changes to enemy AI intentional?

I've been playing this game for years. Recently i noticed a few rather radical changes to the behaviour of enemy AI which quite frankly has increased the difficulty of the game quite a lot and i haven't stumbled upon any information in the patch notes regarding these changes.
So, for a long time we've had the enemy able to charge a heavy from almost the opposite of the screen and able to "home in" on you and connect. This isnt something new, its been going on for a long time, and it isnt that huge a deal, although its damn annoying and counter intuitive in my opinion.
But the new thing i've noticed, especially if you fight with a small character like wolverine, enemies are now able to "home in" on you during one of their combo attacks even if you evade / swipe back during the first, second or even third attack. The enemy just continues the combo from miles off.
Now that is actually a pretty big change and it is extremely frustrating especially in AQ where you used to be able to play smart to avoid damage, now you have homing combos... Try dashing back with wolvie or anyone small against say Voodoo as miniboss in AQ and you'll see what i mean. It also means that huge characters are actually all of a sudden extremely easy to use to avoid damage compared to small. I mean, try Hulk and see how easy he evades with swiping back compared to small heroes.
Are those changes to the enemy AI intentional and going to stay? I hope for some constructive feedback.
So, for a long time we've had the enemy able to charge a heavy from almost the opposite of the screen and able to "home in" on you and connect. This isnt something new, its been going on for a long time, and it isnt that huge a deal, although its damn annoying and counter intuitive in my opinion.
But the new thing i've noticed, especially if you fight with a small character like wolverine, enemies are now able to "home in" on you during one of their combo attacks even if you evade / swipe back during the first, second or even third attack. The enemy just continues the combo from miles off.
Now that is actually a pretty big change and it is extremely frustrating especially in AQ where you used to be able to play smart to avoid damage, now you have homing combos... Try dashing back with wolvie or anyone small against say Voodoo as miniboss in AQ and you'll see what i mean. It also means that huge characters are actually all of a sudden extremely easy to use to avoid damage compared to small. I mean, try Hulk and see how easy he evades with swiping back compared to small heroes.
Are those changes to the enemy AI intentional and going to stay? I hope for some constructive feedback.
Now, I've noticed it is very frequent for them to dash in, do a M,L, I'd be able to slip away, then they would immediately dash forward at the same time, and continue where they were with a L,L,M.
That's been going on for a while, and is frankly a bit cheesy, since we don't get free forward dashes with our light hits.
First 2 hits - evaded and suddenly the third connects.
I noticed that AI invincibility during the Killmonger challenge and i'm guessing they were testing it out for release later. Lol
Random unstoppable and indestructible perhaps??? Blame MODOK lol
Definitely something off. There is an instant Block. Can't get an L1, most of the L2s, or a Heavy off at all. Every Medium is whiffed. It's like the Champ can't Charge fast enough, and I eat a hit everytime. Two different speeds going on. I'm not entirely sure if it's the AI speed, the lag, or a combination of both. It's worse when the AI has a higher CR. Now, I'm not getting involved in the various conspiracy elusions on here. Pretty sure my position on that is clear. I don't support the whole idea that they're intentionally slowing people down. However, something is deinitely up.
Maybe it's a device thing? I've never had any lag issues but I know that others have. The game works well for me in general.
I'm skeptical it's the device. There has been a range of devices used reporting the same issues. It's not the device on my end. I just bought a new device and it's occurred on both the old and the new. All other Apps run perfectly fine, and the touch responds perfectly. The chances of it being related to that many different devices are just not that large. Pretty sure we can rule that out.
Sentinel is either still working out some kinks or they are just designed to be extra difficult. SP1 and SP2 haven't been able to evade then block, or block then evade to avoid building analysis charges. I would expect similar effect as evading spidey sp1 where you can double dash back then block last web ball. For Sentinel I'm having to only block or only evade, every attempt at mixing gets hit.
Dear Kabam, I think the root of these sorts of complaints is AI being able to do things players cannot. If our champs and AI had equal abilities then we could all adapt and conquer. (reaction time, recovery time, extra reach, ignore hits from certain combos, AI miss combos every now and then, etc)
Overall, since adjusting the screen size pre-fight I'm still happy with the game
The ol' whiff trick... that's a good one. ACT 5.3 is where I noticed stuff like this the most recently. Glitchy animations and skipped frames - especially when you have the AI beat down below ~30% health.
AI Update - Now the AI can keep fighting after the game is paused by an incoming phone call. Because they are just that skilled.
Pause is different for the Ai