With 6 stars added we need rank down tickets

Rank down tickets should be available or only able to use when level events are not going on. That or tier 4 cats need to be easier to get. If they are easier how is it fair to those of us who spent countless hours in area getting the one million one hundred thousand points needed for one tier 4 cat. I have 6-7 4* 4/40 hero’s who I do nothing with. I used some of them early on, and some in the old AW format. But now they have no use. And I don’t see why I would continue to put time and effort into a game that constantly comes out with better hero’s but doesn’t allow me to downgrade my mistake level ups or rank ups that are no longer useful. Selling hero’s is an option but almost all upper division players never sell hero’s for PI and to get duplicates and better crystal shards. I would have 18 more tier 4 cats if I was allowed to rank down my 4/40 champs that I now no longer have use for.
For example: Deadpool x force. 4/40 then I pull an Archangel 4*. I always use Archangel over Deadpool. I would use the cats to level up 5* champs or wait and get class tier 4 cats for max 5/50 4* champs.
For example: Deadpool x force. 4/40 then I pull an Archangel 4*. I always use Archangel over Deadpool. I would use the cats to level up 5* champs or wait and get class tier 4 cats for max 5/50 4* champs.
And what we really need is repeatable gold quests every Sunday + basic t4 and t1athe high end alliances have over 80 t4cc just in crystals waiting to be opened. That's not counting the 12 caps for all class. The 5* rank up shouldn't require t1a after r2 or they should be half as many.
all this post deserves. Nothing more. Nothing less
OP post wasn't talking about teir 4 class catalysts. He needs basic t4 and t1a like everyone else. Glory only provides so many.
I'm sure that many high end players would like rank downs for their 4* rank 4 or 5* rank 2 champions they don't use.
They could make the rank downs only for those ranks not any higher to keep the balance of the game.