How much faster is arena with suicide masteries?

I’m very interested in making the arena grinding go by quicker. My question is - if I am running 20 teams in the basic four arena how much quicker would suicide masteries make each round?
Also, how high do I need to upgrade each of these masteries to get the majority of the increase?
Also, how high do I need to upgrade each of these masteries to get the majority of the increase?
The benefit is more points per fight/round, not faster fights.
You know you can adjust mastery set ups specifically for war defense, right? Before joining placement phase, remove suicides and place the points elsewhere.
After you've placed, put your suicides back on.
It'll cost a few units. I think somewhere in the vicinity of 75-100 total cost. I used to do it when I was grinding arena. Cost even more then because you still had to pay units just to recover mastery points. I think I was spending about 150 units to redo masteries every time we went to war.
That said, until they come up with a multiple mastery spec setup option, all of those unlocked suicide masteries will continue to be unused.