Joe Fixit Needs to be fixed

I have Joe and like using him because of the attacks he has. However, his full level attack is quite weak considering he's a version of The Hulk. The damage level of the opponent is virtually non-existent. For the veracity of the attack, I'd expect more damage to be done. The power level of the opponent flashes, but damage is minimal. His first two level attacks cause more damage. Please fix him.
As a side note, who remembers the contamination event and how much cancer the Joe Fixit boss was? I remember this forum freaking out over how insane hard he was hahah.
how bad was he? I started playing after that
Horrible. Bad enough they actually had to nerf him. He was like 12k pi which back in the day was insane. He had a habit of gamblers fate giving him a crazy regen and without a heal block champ (of which there was very few at the time), you were essentially screwed. First event quest to use local nodes in it.
I remember that. It was actually the first event I remember playing in the game. He was so hard to beat during the event that when I pulled him as a 3* I was so excited LOL. That is until I started using him and he wasn't anywhere near as powerful as he was when I faced him in the event. It was the nodes that made him so powerful. He was better unduped as duped he would be unusable with willpower you would just heal the opponent by attacking them.