AA vs iceman

LovingkidLovingkid Member Posts: 330 ★★
They are arguably the best 5* mutents out there and i have both as undupped 5* now who deserves r4?


  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Both of them deserve it. I have AA and he is god tier for a reason, I would love to have Iceman as well.

    If you have no other good Bleed champs and you have the Deep Wounds mastery, then AA.
    If you have no good immune champs, and you like the Ice Armor then IceMan.
  • LovingkidLovingkid Member Posts: 330 ★★
    I already got them maxed 4* dupped and i cant remember which war i forget to take those due.
    But the thing is both are undupped and i have 4 mutent 4cc and aa at r3 and iceman at r2 so what ever i rank up the other one will suffer for a long time. So what do youll think ?
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    I wouldn't take an unduped AA to r4
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    AA when duped. Otherwise it's ice.
  • TurbulentUrFaceTurbulentUrFace Member Posts: 311
    They both totally deserve a rank 4. I have a 5* AA unduped and he's amazing. I am however under the opinion that as great as AA is, iceman is slightly better. My reasoning being that Ice has immunity,and decreases evade. And so far only 1 champion in the contest has immunity to his frostbite. Also that Bleed immune champs seriously hinder AA's usefulness. He's still good, but if he can't make them bleed that keeps him from poisoning too so he has none of his insane damage over time effects. of course, that only goes so far and AA can definitely end a fight faster than Iceman. Just for those reasons I would take Iceman to rank 4 over AA unduped. You really can't go wrong here though.
  • BlaargoBlaargo Member Posts: 246
    They both totally deserve a rank 4. I have a 5* AA unduped and he's amazing. I am however under the opinion that as great as AA is, iceman is slightly better. My reasoning being that Ice has immunity,and decreases evade. And so far only 1 champion in the contest has immunity to his frostbite. Also that Bleed immune champs seriously hinder AA's usefulness. He's still good, but if he can't make them bleed that keeps him from poisoning too so he has none of his insane damage over time effects. of course, that only goes so far and AA can definitely end a fight faster than Iceman. Just for those reasons I would take Iceman to rank 4 over AA unduped. You really can't go wrong here though.

    Good points but sabretooth is immune to coldsnap and frostbite and bishop is also Immune I think.
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