People have far more complaints about things they spend far less money on. Perhaps you should be less judgmental unless you're just increasing your post count.
Well, when the comment indicates 6:30, I thought I would comment incase there's an issue is all. I'm sure it will come. Could be pushed when the Calendar rolls over for all I know. Lol. Just adding info.
make sure you go use your expiring refills buddy
You did mean today Miike?
It will be here shortly!
Surely you guys know what common sense is right?
You know what they say....if you have to ask.
Unfortunately when people see a solo event ending in 10 minutes or has ended, and don’t have the common sense to know another is coming soon...
It has to be asked.
Because you need 10,000 tier 2 shards to open tier 2. The event lasts longer than one day. Be patient. You have time to earn more.