Update not working

Getting this screen. What do I need to do to fix?q54ldll2rn3a.png


  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Same thing here . Frustrating this has happed to me the last 3 updates .
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Happened to me i tried a little later and got it downloaded
  • Agent_MoonAgent_Moon Member Posts: 49
    I recently updated my game to version 17.2, when I open the game I log in and get to the home page and a message pops up with an error saying:
    Failed to download content
    Please check your internet settings and try again

    I live in Pakistan, and I use an iPad Air 2 IOS 11.2.6

  • Agent_MoonAgent_Moon Member Posts: 49
    My connection was fine when I checked it and I restarted the game many times
  • Kabam AhabKabam Ahab Moderator Posts: 956
    Hi Agent_Moon,

    Please check your device to ensure that it has enough space available to download MCOC. I would suggest checking your internet connection as an unstable connection could be causing issues. If both of these are ok, then make sure that your account is linked to your Kabam ID.

    Once you have confirmed this, go ahead and and uninstall MCOC from your device. Then restart your device and reinstall MCOC. If you experience any issues after reinstalling, you can let us know. Or reach out to out Support Team for further assistance.

    To assist our team in determining a cause as well as a possible resolution, please include the following information when submitting a Bug Report:

    Operating System:
    Issue and any available screenshots:
    Is the issue repeatable? How?
    Specific location the issue is occurring?
    Troubleshooting Steps Taken to attempt to resolve the issue/results:

    Our QA team is constantly reviewing the forums and bug reports, and working to resolve issues that are reported here. Thank you for providing as much detail as possible!

  • Le_Marv_8Le_Marv_8 Member Posts: 84
    I had the same issue but then it just resumed downloading. I'm playing the game normally. Try to contact Kabam and see if they can present a fix.
  • Agent_MoonAgent_Moon Member Posts: 49
    @KabamAhab i have deleted the game and reinstalled it, the content is downloading. But this was the pop up I got
  • ChadTeamChadTeam Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2018
    That's all I get as well I've been trying to get this update over a hour it's not letting me get to duels or anything on the game
  • Flames11Flames11 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2018
    @KabamAhab So how am I suppose to make sure my account is linked to my kabam ID if I can't click on anything in game?
  • AKTEKAKTEK Member Posts: 317 ★★
    bro try to start a dual you will be directed to downloading page
  • Flames11Flames11 Member Posts: 5
    @AKKKTEK Read that again. I couldn't click on ANYTHING
  • Kabam AhabKabam Ahab Moderator Posts: 956
    edited March 2018
    Hi Flames11 ,

    Please follow through with the rest of the post suggestions. Our Support Team will be happy to look into this for you.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I updated and recieved the same message. On account of another forumer's advice, I let my device sit on that screen for about a minute or two, after which the download began. Hope this helps!
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 461 ★★★
    Same issue here. I click continue once I get the above error message and then home screen is unresponsive and I can't click anything to continue.

    Device: iPhone 6
    iOS 11.2.6

    I've restated the game and the phone several times without success. The game is totally unplayable for me now. My screen won't register the inputs. This is not my fault, the game was working perfectly with my network before the update and now nothing. #EpicFail (again),.... sigh
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 461 ★★★
    After the 7th game restart it is finally downloading the required content. Why is there always issues with your new updates KABAM? don't you test this stuff beforehand? It certainly doesn't look like it.....
  • Cks131994Cks131994 Member Posts: 1
    I updated it but I didn't have that problem, I just haven't received my spring egg that they said I would get after updating and logging in. I have messaged support about this matter.
  • AryanNoobAryanNoob Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2018
    Apparently I’m stuck at the loading screen when it says downloading. Mine says 200mb out of 314mb downloaded. The bar wont even move.
  • Capsicle2Capsicle2 Member Posts: 6
    Mine won't get past the picture with thanos when it first tries logging in. I get the same thing and when I close the app and opened it on my cellular data I would get a message that it was downloading and then the Failed to Log in would show up again. It would briefly tell me how many mb it needed to download and now it has finished downloading, but I still get the failed to log in sign.
    This is really aggravating and I hope something happens to compensate for the loss of time we haven't been able to play.
  • Capsicle2Capsicle2 Member Posts: 6
    I've also deleted and redownloaded the app three times now.
  • Moon1995Moon1995 Member Posts: 3
    How to fix this issue
  • Moon1995Moon1995 Member Posts: 3
  • Moon1995Moon1995 Member Posts: 3
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    I had the exact same issue..

    Operating System: iOS 11 (iPhone 8plus and iPad Pro)
    Issue and any available screenshots: Same screenshot as guys posted above me)
    Is the issue repeatable? How? Everytime I logged in it cameup
    Specific location the issue is occurring? When opening the game
    Troubleshooting Steps Taken to attempt to resolve the issue/results: I've reset the game 4 times and turned off and on Wifi a couple of times and finally it started to download content.

    Thanks for the hassle.... Sure it's bad internet connection -.-
  • ShawnTorres7ShawnTorres7 Member Posts: 1
    User Name- Shawn Torres
    Alliance- Torko
    Using Apple I phone 7
    After update & un/re-install of contest of champions - I am not receiving the calendar with the chaos rift shards. Other people in my alliance are receiving the shards & calendar. I am not
    I have updated & un/reinstall the app but no calendar with chaos shards.
    Please help.

    Thank you
    Shawn Torres
    Torko Alliance
  • Capsicle2Capsicle2 Member Posts: 6
    It would be nice to know if Kabam was working on an update to fix this?
  • Capsicle2Capsicle2 Member Posts: 6
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf I don't know if the team is working to fix this but this has been a big set back with the new events coming up. It would be helpful if we could get a patch or at least an update on the team trying to fix it.
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