item filter

Can we have filer system in item inventory?
1) mastery item
2) boosts
3) champ enhancement item (rank up gem,awakening gem & sig stones)
4) solo revive & potion
5) alliance revive & potion
6) refils
7) others
1) mastery item
2) boosts
3) champ enhancement item (rank up gem,awakening gem & sig stones)
4) solo revive & potion
5) alliance revive & potion
6) refils
7) others
Now, I understand there is some complexity to this because some items on the page are always usable while others flex on certain conditions - that’s while ultimately I’d really recommend going the route of highlight vs. grayed out non-usable items (instead of badges or high/low placement) because it’s a binary filter at the highest level of shared attribute between the item. Right now visibility implies ownership while you could shift it to visible means I own it and can use it, partially grayed out mean I own it but can’t use it and invisible means I don’t own it.
I’ve got 60 items (between signature stones and arena boosts), THAT I CAN’T ACTUALLY USE, and I have to click on 23 DIFFERENT ICONS to find the ones that I can use. I totally get that I waste A LOT of time on your app, but that’s not really the way I want to waste my time on your app.
I just want to be able to move quickly on the app, that’s about it. Everything else is great.