Recruit Me!

Hi y’all,

I’m Dr.Yeti (in-game ID) and I’m looking for a great alliance, preferably 4MIL+. I use Line, can hold for SA, and very active on EDT (that’s east coast if it matters). My stats for your needs;

Level 57, going on 58
Rating 226,432
Prestige 4781

Looking forward to growing & being a loyal alliance member.


  • LokeshsatyasaiLokeshsatyasai Member Posts: 1
    Hi this lokesh plzz come to my team
  • DangerNoodleDangerNoodle Member Posts: 235
    Yo @Dr_Yeti1 ! 😁
    I'm in a 6 mil alliance in gold 2 war that would love to have you.
    Add me on line at:
    To talk 😁
  • Dr_Yeti1Dr_Yeti1 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you, just joined an alliance. Have a great weekend!
  • SkutlitchSkutlitch Member Posts: 11
    Dr Yeti ,
    You are just who I am looking for. I am the leader of (APex) Ascension. We comm on LINE app and trying 30 from our 22 mem alli. Our rate is 4.5 mill and war rate is 1142. Please look me up or I will you!
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