4 Star Captain WWII worth upgrading??

Hi Guys, I have five 4-star players namely,
The Hulk
Green Goblin
King Groot
Captain America WWII
Which one should be upgraded and which one should be left.
The Hulk
Green Goblin
King Groot
Captain America WWII
Which one should be upgraded and which one should be left.
Hulk (if duped) is your best choice, Green Goblin is also really good in both attack and defence. King Groot is good for defence.
Again, don't get me wrong, he is NOT bad, he is still pretty good, but nowadays good is not good enough anymore as the game progresses.
Hulk is a good damage dealing champ and if awaken his fury damage is incredible.
Green Goblin is an annoying champ..his awakened ability is that if u use his sp2 you will place a random debuffs on the opponent
King Groot: He is bleed,poison immune and he is a tank better for AW defense,if awakened he has regens..fury buffs come again and again at speciifc time period.
My opinion
2)Cap WW II
3)Green GOblin
4)King groot
same order except swap WWII and hulk's place.
I've got to agree with this. If these champs are your only 4* champs, I'd guess that you're still reasonably new to the game.
I took Cap WWII up as my 2nd rank 5 champ and he got me through a TON of content that other champs would have struggled with. He was on my questing team all the way through the end of 5.3. He only got replaced in 5.4 once I had some 4/55 champs to use.
His duped ability greatly increases his perfect block chance when the enemy has a buff. This was VERY helpful in both questing and in AW. I was using him in AW up to about Tier 1 when I finally got a few 4/55 champs to bring in. The reduction in block damage makes him very survivable and really reduces potion use. He got me through a lot of enemies like Stun Immune Spider-man with enhanced crit rate/damage. Just block all attacks until you get an opening. This strategy would kill other champs through block damage. Plenty of similar applications come up when doing Act 5 or AW. And his bleed on L2 is great. Max out deep wounds for full effect.
Full disclosure, I did rank him down when we got the rank down tickets on Christmas. He simply got outclassed by the 5* champs I was getting and taking to rank 4. His damage couldn't keep up with the stronger enemies in AW and I no longer had a use for him. Though Act 5 was 100% explored by this point.
Now that he's a 6* champ (he doesn't exist as a 5*), he's one of my personal top prospects. In my mind, the 4* version shines when you've got the skill but you don't have the roster. He might take longer than most to finish the fight, but he'll survive longer than most too. He was instrumental in clearing content I had no business clearing.