Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Former officer looking for map3 AQ, items use and completion events!

Map 3 only plz. Looking to farm gold and cats for awhile to rank up champs. **MUST do items use, completion events!!** Weekly SA would be preferred. Plenty of map 4&5 experience, but not looking to donate right now. I can clear paths and drop bosses. Been playing since beta, still a very active daily player. You won't be disappointed. Line ID mymazdaluvsme2, Mcoc ID mymazdaluvsme


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    SborlaxSborlax Posts: 248

    We need 2 players to replace our existing members.
    You should have at least eight 4*R3 champs for AW. Preferably you have some 4*R4/R5.
    Looking for self starters who keep improving their skills and war performance.
    Current war tier 9. Season 1 bracket Silver1.
    You will take part in our push up the AW tiers/season ranks.
    Weekly SA, item use, completion and duels expected.
    AQ Map32222 Advance Bracket (Target 10M pts)
    No donations is required right now.
    Required to join LINE.

    Submit join request or contact our officers if you are interested.
    Alliance Name: SuperNova Gen X
    Alliance Tag: [S-N-X]
    Officer IGN: hadronsk
    Officer LineID: Hadronsk
    Leader IGN: Sborlax
    Leader LineID: Sborlax
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    MyleHy7MyleHy7 Posts: 129
    4+M recruiting active LVL50+, adult for b2b AQ & AW, LINE req, IGN & LINE ID: MyleHy7
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    MHCOAMHCOA Posts: 24
    We only do map 3 we are a growing alliance grinding to grow champs. No donations required. Just being active in AQ/AW and alliance events
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    MHCOAMHCOA Posts: 24
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    Bullman76Bullman76 Posts: 10
    We're a map 3 playing alliance and need someone like you in the alliance family. Hit me up if you're interested and still looking.
    Alliance is Prois
    My In game ID is Bullman76
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    Gladiator2014Gladiator2014 Posts: 283
    "Add friend" you in-game. My IGN is gladiator2014. Let's talk. Perhaps, while you are saving to rank up champs, your active playing can help us as we help you too. Weekly SA. 3-day item use and other alliance events participation. Does not require donations. Our alliance is currently trying to recruit more teammates. On most alliance events, we aim to get to the last milestones and either reach the next-to-last or last milestones. However, there are certain events that we only reach the middle milestones because we lack the numbers to get there. For example, those events that require arena grinding. Hopefully, you can help and as we get more teammates, we can reach the last milestones. We use Telegram as our communication app. Look forward to possibly talking to you.
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