Black panther (movie version) idea update

This is a follow up to my previous post but a bit more thought out:

Black panther from the new movie:
I feel like we should add this black panther because the character hasn’t really got much justice in the game also the suit has so many cool abilities such as kinectic energy absorbing damage ,if you will we can also take into account the heart shaped herbs powers and those cool tech gadgets,

i’m still quite new to the game so sorry if the idea for his passive or duplicate abilities doesn’t seem that great: with his civil war version i really liked when he could augment his damage but the only way to do that was by getting hit constanly, and lets be honest in this game we can’t allow ourselves to get hit, so i think it could probably be change to function a bit like vultures chitauri energie and you can let it stack then you either save it for the third special, orb you can turn them into higher attack boosts much like hela can.

But for specials, some quick ideas:

Special one: Wakandan martial arts
Black panther shows of some of his combat skills he has learned since young enchanced by the heart shaped herb, thanks to the vibranium armor, grants unstoppable stack

Special 2 : Emp blast
Thanks to wakandas advanced technology black panther kicks off his opponent and throws emp bombs which will apply decharge damage and stun, but if the opponent is fully robot or at least relies on electricity as their power ,the longer decharge damage and stun last ( a little idea i got from stark spidey)

Special 3: Kinectic shockwave
After taking multiple attacks from his opponent black panther’s suit glows purple and be takes out his claws slashing with his claws and finishes with a huge kinectic blast leaving the opponent stunned with rather severe bleed damage the more kinectic energy he has stored the higher and more damage the 3rd special will do.

I was think this « new » champion could be introduced after black panther tries to fight off thanos, he could comeback with an upgrade for the final fight.
These are just rather rough ideas and if anyone wants to propose more feel free to! but i honestly feel like the kabam team can have a fun time bringing this character to life of course it’s entirley up to them if they want to make this champion. After all killmonger deserves his worthy counter part!


  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    I really like this idea. Black Panther is marvels biggest movie to date, I think the main character should be done more justice than just a as a side actor from civil war.
  • AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    plz no.. we have already got civil war. Can we actually have new characters plz?
  • CrazedSoul541CrazedSoul541 Member Posts: 13
    I mean I understand how most of you think a third black panther is too much, but c’mon look at all the spideys and iron mans (i know, I know horrible examples that nobody asked for) but what i was hoping for was maybe a a black panther that got the stark spidey treatment ( what i mean by this: a honestly good character to have fun with. And besides this is just a fan idea so it’s not like it’s going to be a reality. So just have fun and propose ideas to make a fun black panther!
  • CockatealCockateal Member Posts: 42
    I mean I understand how most of you think a third black panther is too much, but c’mon look at all the spideys and iron mans (i know, I know horrible examples that nobody asked for) but what i was hoping for was maybe a a black panther that got the stark spidey treatment ( what i mean by this: a honestly good character to have fun with. And besides this is just a fan idea so it’s not like it’s going to be a reality. So just have fun and propose ideas to make a fun black panther!

    people might not want another spidey but look how he turned out
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Or at least change Black Panther name form Civil War to Movie edition or something, and the classic one can be called original/classic
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Oh god....more black panther ****'s everywhere you look. Best movie changed my was hand written by Jesus lol it was good but come on....move on
  • ShinyMew2ShinyMew2 Member Posts: 187
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    I really like this idea. Black Panther is marvels biggest movie to date, I think the main character should be done more justice than just a as a side actor from civil war.

    Black Panther is NOT Marvel’s biggest movie, and we don’t need another black panther. I’d prefer actual new chatacters. Maybe the BP we have can be revamped.

  • CrazedSoul541CrazedSoul541 Member Posts: 13
    Gwm83 wrote: »
    Oh god....more black panther ****'s everywhere you look. Best movie changed my was hand written by Jesus lol it was good but come on....move on

    Hiya! While i enjoy reading everyones comments, and understand their complients, i just want to clarify a misunderstanding in your comment,
    First off i don’t worship the movie sure different could be said for other people, like you said it was good but not marvels biggest masterpiece ( hopefully that title goes to infinity war lol) i know that certain people treated the movie like a racial movement which in my opinion is so stupid i mean it’s a guy who is the king of a imaginary technology advanced country for christs sake! He is not even the first black hero
    And second of all I have to confess i’m a huge costume geek, I just really loved this costume and what it could do!
    And last of all this just a thread by a fan that kabam will definitely ignore ,
    So just have fun you know !
  • CrazedSoul541CrazedSoul541 Member Posts: 13
    Or at least change Black Panther name form Civil War to Movie edition or something, and the classic one can be called original/classic
    ShinyMew2 wrote: »
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    I really like this idea. Black Panther is marvels biggest movie to date, I think the main character should be done more justice than just a as a side actor from civil war.

    Black Panther is NOT Marvel’s biggest movie, and we don’t need another black panther. I’d prefer actual new chatacters. Maybe the BP we have can be revamped.

    Hmm yeah but has kabam really ever done that?
    Oh well i like this idea theres always a first first for everything!
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