Uncollected guilty!! Not a Rant by the way
So the uncollected events upto now I’ve managed every one this guilly seems to have me pulling my hair out any advice I know people will just say intercept but yeah I’m trying and failing on the paths she’s stun immune can’t even take a couple of blocked hits and dead 😏
Ain't there yet,lol.
Will update when I do!
Great work giving advice on content you've not done yet. That's just what some other well known bs artist does
Unstoppable?Eh...Huh,Yeah, I dunno
Ohhh,Sorry bout that,I assumed stuff,
Is linked Nodes for the boss an only uncollected thing?
Word,I'm not uncollected,yet ,So yeah,lol
Personally I hate anything that takes my ability to block (excluding unblockable specials )
I've only taken her on once so far (after taking out nameless hype, so she wasn't stun immune) but I brought Sparky. Dancing around her when she was unstoppable built up his poise charges enough to make him hit her quite hard. He didn't quite one shot her but brought her down enough that she was in final strike range for my Elektra.