Game Crashing Issue

I've been playing this game for a little over a year and I've had no problems until ur little black and white update! I get kicked of the game up to 10 times a day and literally just now doing AQ, the game shuts down when I'm about to start a fight and now my Starlord has 49% left from not even having a fight!! Explain ur logic in this and I want a proper answer!
Don't beat around the bush and tell me straight kabam because omg I can't take the game being shut down when I'm fighting anymore, I will stop playing.
Don't beat around the bush and tell me straight kabam because omg I can't take the game being shut down when I'm fighting anymore, I will stop playing.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Straight answer for. Your device is probably trash an can't run the game properly, get a new iPhone an you'll not have a problem
Gone are those days, now seems ios users are facing issues at par with android
You clearly didn't read what I said. I haven't had any problems for over a year and I have the same device. This update keeps backing me out of fights.
Have you heard of the term generality in terms of programs
It's when programs can be run on multiple platforms
It's kind of kabams job to release a game that runs smoothly on the majority of devices excluding those that totally can't support it. Many have suggested a feature that reduces the quality thereby increasing speed or making background effects static (this would give players a choice to choose whether they want quality or speed or decide to get a good device to support both)
But kabam will never listen to em
I used to use an android Moto g5 plus an used to get loads of problems like the rest of you. Since I bought an iPhone 8 plus the game runs amazing. The game evolves whilst your devices just deteriorate over time. This could be poor battery quality or just an old os or a combination of things making it bad.
Kabam can do so much considering there are literally thousands upon thousands of different devices, it impossible for them to optimize for all. That's why iOS always runs better an quicker, only a hand of devices to content with.
What device are you running the game on? Have you started a help ticket?
Shhh might get accused of being salty lmao
I've been to support a couple times in the past and I've not got anything in return apart from an apology and saying they can't help so I give up on support.
I use an iPhone 6. Battery is still perfect, internet use all of its many features work perfectly. Not one problem with it.
I also have a Sony experia tablet which is basically meant for gaming but it's an android so mcoc lags a bit on that.
I haven't re-downloaded it but it does to automatic downloads for me.
Worth deleting the game and reinstalling?
So loads of people are having problems on iPhone 6 as they are a good few years old now. Unless you have had the battery changed very recently the performance will be very much worse
This is the problem.. It doesn't matter what device anyone uses. It is Kabam's RESPONSIBILITY to make sure their game runs properly on all devices they advertise for,(no matter the update for any given device).
If it is impossible for Kabam to optimize for all the devices their game is available for, then they are living in a world above their means and maybe they need to not provide for every platform.. OR maybe they should not get the privilege of being able to run a game of this magnitude.. Maybe a game where all you do is collect **** is more their speed..
This game makes this company bundles of money & they should be able to at least have a game that does not crash or need emergency maintenance every other week..
Understand where your coming but believe it or not my battery is still in mint condition. I only need to charge my phone once maybe twice a day
It's not kabams responsibility at all to optimize for all devices. That's impossible an there no other game companies that could possibly optimize for every device.
Personally I think they are very shady at times but on this subject it's a case of something that's just not plausible . Go do some research on it
Understand where your coming but believe it or not my battery is still in mint condition. I only need to charge my phone once maybe twice a day
Did you read the article on Apple putting performance restrictions in place in updates to counter the problem of old battery's like your that are just not up to running the new updates efficiently. This will have a massive effect on your gaming
No research needed.. It's common sense.. If I can't bench 300lbs. Why would I try?
And yes, this is a business & if they are going to be in the gaming business then it IS their responsibility to make sure their product works correctly on every device they want to be available for.. Otherwise they are just trying to bench 300lbs when they should only be benching 200..
Just curious, by fuming, what actually happened?
Fuming asin emitting gas/vapour? or fuming as in getting angry?
Either way, both seems dangerous and unhealthy. Hope you get over your fuming phase.
Good luck and cheers!
So just as the new update for mcoc came out ( includes new loading screen, new champs and events) my iPhone was no longer compatible with the game? Because it worked perfectly before the update about 1 or 2 weeks ago. So is it really my phone or is it the bugs in this update? Oh btw I took out the mini boss in AQ map 4 and only lost 1% health. Does that sound like my phone isn't compatible with the game?
Perfect analogy
Did you read the article on Apple putting performance restrictions in place in updates to counter the problem of old battery's like your that are just not up to running the new updates efficiently. This will have a massive effect on your gaming[/quote]
No I was unaware of this. However we should ask @Abracadaver12 as this person has an iPhone 6 as well and experiences no problems. Have you changed your battery @Abracadaver12?
It may be that both update came out almost at the same time. There may be a general problem between ios and mcoc