10.3 Mil Ally recruiting [iknow] ilove you
Adults only
No Religion / Politics
15k completion
650 duels
SA weekly
Line Required
Dependable movement in AQ/AW
Assigned battle groups
Donations Required Weekly
94000 Gold
12000 Battlehyips
8000 loyalty
AW is optional. Play as much or as little as you want.
We have 1 member we need to replace ASAP!
Hit me up on Line if intrested - murderbr23 *Note you will have to go thru a brief Recruiting chat with the officers before being accepted to the Ally.
Adults only
No Religion / Politics
15k completion
650 duels
SA weekly
Line Required
Dependable movement in AQ/AW
Assigned battle groups
Donations Required Weekly
94000 Gold
12000 Battlehyips
8000 loyalty
AW is optional. Play as much or as little as you want.
We have 1 member we need to replace ASAP!
Hit me up on Line if intrested - murderbr23 *Note you will have to go thru a brief Recruiting chat with the officers before being accepted to the Ally.