Skill ranking question

GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
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Skill ranking question 20 votes

4* Gwenpool, sig 80 to R5
GriffoplayTheManMythLegendTeddersAzrael908Sebas704DingaloElitehunterEspGabrielshadow_lurker22Cats73Julius_Seizure 11 votes
4* Blade, unduped to R5
Haji_Saabvg2782buffajrSuperSam57Jokepoolcx23433Vault 7 votes
4* Elektra sig 20 to R5
5* Netfilx DD, unduped to R3
5* Elektra, unduped to R3
Next2HellDizzy 2 votes


  • Next2HellNext2Hell Member Posts: 102
    Need dupe for blade or w8 for 5* gp or blade
  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 270
    4* Gwenpool, sig 80 to R5
    My vote goes to 4* gweenpool.
    If you can obtain or dupe Blade shortly then wait for him. otherwise Gweenpool is ok.
    4* Electra and 5* DD Netflix no. they gives you nothing compared to 4* dup Blade or 4* gweenpool.
    5* Elektra can wait till you will have cat in the trash or better options.
  • GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
    Forgot about them, but I've also got 4* HE, and og DD, both sig 60
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    edited April 2018
    4* Gwenpool, sig 80 to R5
    4* HE is a good option, but nowhere close to the sheer power of Gwenpool or Blade. I would honestly say to go with Gwenpool for now, unless you have GR to go along with blade.
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