10 people looking to merge with another alliance

Group of 10 experienced players looking to merge with a similarly experienced alliance. Have experience running map 5 and higher tiered wars


  • X0XD00MSDAYX0XX0XD00MSDAYX0X Member Posts: 17
    We would love to have you guys. You can have your own bg. We are a newly formed alliance of people who know how to play the game.
  • X0XD00MSDAYX0XX0XD00MSDAYX0X Member Posts: 17
    War tier 22. yxxwdgn5uzz9.jpg
    We are about a week old.
    We are a group of adults who formed this alliance a week ago to try to get away from people who were inactive.
  • DevoniusDevonius Member Posts: 32
    We have room. Look me up so we could discuss if you wish.
  • LukeSkywalkerJLukeSkywalkerJ Member Posts: 79
    Look for lukeskywalkerj in LINE app and we can discuss. We have 2 full battlegroups and we are building the 3rd one to smash the contest!
  • Aclark151Aclark151 Member Posts: 138
    17 deep alliance AQ3/4/5 AW aggressive during season. 100k plus each member. Add me on Line aclark151
  • Aclark151Aclark151 Member Posts: 138
  • Brew_SwayneBrew_Swayne Member Posts: 500 ★★
    @donkulus, what kind of team you looking for? We're a veteran team, 2+ yr old ally. Somewhere between casual and serious. Map 5 once a week. War 2x a week. We have 10 open spots. Just removed some less active and lesser skilled players. Hit me up in game (brew swayne) or on Line (brewswayne) if you're interested.

  • donkulusdonkulus Member Posts: 6
    We would love to have you guys. You can have your own bg. We are a newly formed alliance of people who know how to play the game.

    Cool is that your in game name?
  • Logan719Logan719 Member Posts: 54
    Morning Donk....I hope you havnt merged yet... We have been around for a few years now..all experience players who have been together for awhile now...we run AQ/AW ..... Had to clean house....we can have ur group its own bg. W/ 1 as officer & 1 of ours.to run smoothly....

    Please hit me up weather you would like to be part of something special....thank you
  • Cosmic_GazerCosmic_Gazer Member Posts: 14
    @donkulus I maybe able to help we run AQ map 5x5, and currently reside in Gold 1 Tier.

    LINE id - CosmicGazer, IGN - Cosmic Gazer
  • PhilBilly42PhilBilly42 Member Posts: 62
    Add me on LINE: philbilly42
    Looks like you could be a solid fit. Running map 4 currently untill we get filled back up. 930f4l2h1uff.jpg
  • Shocka_BrahShocka_Brah Member Posts: 33
    We are interested. Have you merged yet? We primarily run map 5.

  • AraevinAraevin Member Posts: 15
    @donkulus We’re a gold2 tier 6/5 AW alliance that runs map 5x5. We were in gold1 most of the season but dropped because of a few inactive players. We just cleaned house and would love to have you guys. Look up @Araevin on Line and we can talk. Cheers!
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