@donkulus, what kind of team you looking for? We're a veteran team, 2+ yr old ally. Somewhere between casual and serious. Map 5 once a week. War 2x a week. We have 10 open spots. Just removed some less active and lesser skilled players. Hit me up in game (brew swayne) or on Line (brewswayne) if you're interested.
Morning Donk....I hope you havnt merged yet... We have been around for a few years now..all experience players who have been together for awhile now...we run AQ/AW ..... Had to clean house....we can have ur group its own bg. W/ 1 as officer & 1 of ours.to run smoothly....
Please hit me up weather you would like to be part of something special....thank you
@donkulus We’re a gold2 tier 6/5 AW alliance that runs map 5x5. We were in gold1 most of the season but dropped because of a few inactive players. We just cleaned house and would love to have you guys. Look up @Araevin on Line and we can talk. Cheers!
We are about a week old.
We are a group of adults who formed this alliance a week ago to try to get away from people who were inactive.
Cool is that your in game name?
Please hit me up weather you would like to be part of something special....thank you
LINE id - CosmicGazer, IGN - Cosmic Gazer
Looks like you could be a solid fit. Running map 4 currently untill we get filled back up.