Game unbalanced now

JoesekiJoeseki Member Posts: 53
I'm not one to complain about changes, as they usually are balanced across all the player base and settle out to a new normal. But there have been some changes to the game that really make me question whether I want to continue to play or not. They have imbalanced the game so much that many areas of the game are affected for the worse.

What am I seeing?
1) Alliances are unstable, and the pressure is to unbalance the more. For a game, that is supposed to be an enjoyable and stress-free escape, it's become a full-time job to manage an alliance with all the vacancies. When AW season 1 started I was suspicious this might happen, but was pleasantly surprised at the balancing nature it had on alliance membership. Near the end of Season 1, we were a full 30 members alliance at a 12M rating, and tier 4 AW, as well as 55655 AQ 100% and, didn't lose a single player in the last month of AW season 1. I was wrong though. As soon as AW season 1 completed and rewards came out. I encountered a massive jumping off ship event. I lost 25% of my best players looking to trade up to Platinum level rewards. I'm sure every other alliance saw that as well. Based on how hard it was to recruit and the number of responses I had to adverts on alliance forum.

2) AQ changes, I applaud the miniboss changes, but symbiods to sentinel changed was too much! They require a different dynamic to beat them, and it's causing members that used to easily sail through lanes to spend units and items to stay healthy. They are too hard especially on day 5 map 5. Too hard in the sense 1) either the type of Sentinel is a mismatch to the lane forcing a class advantage that is too hard to accomplish for the lane assignment. 2) immunity if you don't fight it with a very specific pattern that is difficult for many to accomplish (especially on older devices) The lack of reward modification due to these increased difficulties means it's become too expensive to run these maps for all but elite players.

I'm in a position where I have every 2* champ max level duped and almost all are sig 99. I have every 3* champ max level duped and about 25% sig 99. I have over 90% of all the 4*, and I have over 25 5* champs. I've been playing for over 2 years (no I'm not a founder player). My resource management has tons of T4 class cats, Iso, and alpha crystals piling up in my stash. I never have enough T4 Generic Cats to keep leveling my champs. A clue to the imbalanced rewards (at least for me, others)

I'm about to walk away from this game. because it's become imbalanced and no-longer stress free.

Possible solutions

1) nerf the sentinels
2) increase the AQ rewards
3) reduce the cost of items
4) give more glory (remove escalating price structure, keep timer)


  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    I do agree with some of the things you mentioned. Sad to loose you if things are not improving. Good luck and cheers!
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    I agree with the sentiment (not with the solutions offered). Our alliance formed in October 2015 finally crumbled because all the officers including me were worn out because of constant recruitment.

    This happened to my alliance when diversity was made. Since more people have understood it, its been easier, but my alliance effectively folded because of the organization work needed originally. Officers get tired of it. Not even mentioning recruitment which I can only imagine has gotten worse
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Damn another whining thread. Mods close one due to useless discussions and then another one pops up WITH THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM.

    Our alliance is pretty much intact , given we are gold 3 and give time to each one to live their life as well. Maybe you should try giving time off to your members and not run the 55655 maps, thats so crazy!!
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Joeseki wrote: »
    I'm not one to complain about changes, as they usually are balanced across all the player base and settle out to a new normal. But there have been some changes to the game that really make me question whether I want to continue to play or not. They have imbalanced the game so much that many areas of the game are affected for the worse.

    What am I seeing?
    1) Alliances are unstable, and the pressure is to unbalance the more. For a game, that is supposed to be an enjoyable and stress-free escape, it's become a full-time job to manage an alliance with all the vacancies. When AW season 1 started I was suspicious this might happen, but was pleasantly surprised at the balancing nature it had on alliance membership. Near the end of Season 1, we were a full 30 members alliance at a 12M rating, and tier 4 AW, as well as 55655 AQ 100% and, didn't lose a single player in the last month of AW season 1. I was wrong though. As soon as AW season 1 completed and rewards came out. I encountered a massive jumping off ship event. I lost 25% of my best players looking to trade up to Platinum level rewards. I'm sure every other alliance saw that as well. Based on how hard it was to recruit and the number of responses I had to adverts on alliance forum.

    2) AQ changes, I applaud the miniboss changes, but symbiods to sentinel changed was too much! They require a different dynamic to beat them, and it's causing members that used to easily sail through lanes to spend units and items to stay healthy. They are too hard especially on day 5 map 5. Too hard in the sense 1) either the type of Sentinel is a mismatch to the lane forcing a class advantage that is too hard to accomplish for the lane assignment. 2) immunity if you don't fight it with a very specific pattern that is difficult for many to accomplish (especially on older devices) The lack of reward modification due to these increased difficulties means it's become too expensive to run these maps for all but elite players.

    I'm in a position where I have every 2* champ max level duped and almost all are sig 99. I have every 3* champ max level duped and about 25% sig 99. I have over 90% of all the 4*, and I have over 25 5* champs. I've been playing for over 2 years (no I'm not a founder player). My resource management has tons of T4 class cats, Iso, and alpha crystals piling up in my stash. I never have enough T4 Generic Cats to keep leveling my champs. A clue to the imbalanced rewards (at least for me, others)

    I'm about to walk away from this game. because it's become imbalanced and no-longer stress free.

    Possible solutions

    1) nerf the sentinels
    2) increase the AQ rewards
    3) reduce the cost of items
    4) give more glory (remove escalating price structure, keep timer)

    Sooooo.... you want better rewards for doing less?
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Cuteshelf wrote: »

    I do. The rewards need revamping across the entire game.

    And Make it so this game doesn’t require 20 hours of gameplay per day for AQ/War.

    Games are meant to be fun, not a full time job.

    LMAO, why are you spending 20 hours in AQ/WAR, do you just keeping looking at the screen?

    I usually go in, maybe communicate with my alliance, take out the node and log out. Thats maybe 10-15 mins of work, every 5 hours.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I agree with the OP about the problem but not so much the solution.
    While I like the idea of Seasons I think the structure is off. The differences in rewards is to big and I believe the Platinum brackes are to small. Gold 1 is huge and if you start the season there you are almost guaranteed it's rewards...all you have to do is show up. Seasons really just exaggerates the bigger problem which is war itself. Ever since they changed war it's pretty much sucked. They've tweaked it several times but still not enough. The scoring system is stupid. Bring back defender kills and add some more difficulty. Get rid of diversity while you're at it.
    AQ doesn't bother me as much. Yeah the Sentinels are more difficult but it's a learning curve type of thing to me. I'm all to aware that it pushed lots of people out though. I thought it was just a lazy move to try to generate revenue and call it something different.
    What's worrisome to me is how some players and Kabam don't seem to care how detrimental these changes have been. There are without a doubt previously stable alliancs crumbling. What appears to be happening is Kabam is happy to take the short money boosts but not worrying about long term customers or spending habits. If it becomes a game of every few months something else to radically change to get money I'd like to know so I can quit now.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    So what I'm hearing are people are quiting because kabam made it a touch more difficult?
    Yet these are probably the same players that complained content wasn't hard enough.

    And if your in an 11 mil alliance and your players don't have a roster to deal with a slight change to AQ then I'm surprised. Or were you those guys who spent all your money on wolverine and x23 instead of ranking up a couple different champs? Also if that's the case go play a lower level map or were you just gonna quit once act6 is released since it's also gonna be harder content
  • Richman99Richman99 Member Posts: 6
    Sorry autocorrect screwed up most of my message (above). My thoughts: Nerf Sentinels right away or you will see a massive backlash from players. Game is to be fun and not a time consuming and unrelaxing endeavour. I play the game for fun - I don't find it very much fun anymore.
  • Davyb18Davyb18 Member Posts: 30
    Dunno y anyone posts in here cos Laban just get all their sycophants to reply
  • Davyb18Davyb18 Member Posts: 30
    Sorry kabam
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Davyb18 wrote: »
    Dunno y anyone posts in here cos Laban just get all their sycophants to reply

    git gud.

    am i doing this rite?
  • Davyb18Davyb18 Member Posts: 30
    Anther kabam sycchophant
  • Davyb18Davyb18 Member Posts: 30
    The game has not just become unbalanced it has become pure bs
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Davyb18 wrote: »
    The game has not just become unbalanced it has become pure bs

  • Richman99Richman99 Member Posts: 6
    Whatever Fella, have a nice day :)
  • Richman99Richman99 Member Posts: 6
    The truth of the matter will be decided on how many people decide to leave the game now as a result of the update, Sentinels, and game lagging and crashes. I know from what has already been said - many people have left as a result - and Alliances have dissolved at a higher rare (not to mention ... recruiting has become harder and harder than ever and a constant problem as a result)
  • Richman99Richman99 Member Posts: 6
    I hope Kabam makes the necessary changes to make the experience - fun and more enjoyable again.
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    this game gives lots of different levels of difficulty players can play at. If certain maps are stressing you out and making the game not fun for you then chose a lower level that less stressful. There is very good balance of content that you can choose to either play hard care because it's fun or more casual because your stressed out.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Joeseki wrote: »
    This post was supposed to be a bashing contest nor an "I'm better than you" post. Its intent was to highlight some difficulties that are occurring that just are bad for the game in general.

    Sentinels may not be all that unreasonable, but something is not right about them when you have to have a specialized skill that some devices do not support well. I play on an older device and I DO have issues with missed blocks, bad swipes, missed evades, strange attacks I never initiated but it did it anyway, missed attacks I know I did but didn't occur. I'm sure it's all the fault of bad tactile dynamics of my older device. I've played on better devices and there is a big difference.

    I mentioned my alliance has done 55655 AQ successfully multiple times in an effort to get into top 300, but with the prestige inflation due to 6* release and unequal distribution. It's out of reach for my alliance, especially with the attrition due to problems stated above. We now only run AQ 5x5.

    It's destabilizing and KAbam should look carefully at everything to balance it out so the rich don't keep getting richer and the poor just quit.

    @Joeseki What unequal distribution are you talking about?
  • Richman99Richman99 Member Posts: 6
    I agree with joeseki. Game should be fun and not a burden. Proof will be in the metrics of how many people leave or Alliances dissolve. Let's hope that Kabam fixes things quickly and this doesn't happen. Most of us have jobs and family - and have a life.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Yeah I just left the alliance I’ve been with for over 2 years nearly and it’s really hard to get motivated again.

    Half the issue was the introduction of the sentineloids but that’s quietened down a bit now, I do agree though that the game is a bit of a standstill at the moment
  • MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
    If you want to compete without wasting resources due to a laggy device, you have to keep obtaining cutting edge devices. This, which we all know, is NOT sustainable for normal humans with budgets.

    I think the gaming industry has done one thing really well: It targets younger people that usually don't have people depending on their income to live.

    If Kabam wants the game to be "sustainable", it has to be lag free on devices that are two generations old (at the minimum). Just think of how many devices turn into bricks with just a operating system update! Combine that with the game always growing in memory requirements and you have exactly what's going on now: Guys that used to be able to hang and fight, but lag screws with them... and with the expense to fully heal a 5* champ... how many lag related smacks do you have to take before you get sick and tired of spending your hard earned cash that's already in short supply?

    I can see people who are in HS, college, single or maybe DINKs (double income, no kids) not connecting with this sentiment... Believe me... when you have kids, this is going to hit home. When you have kids, you need stress relievers, not stress intensifiers. And competing at top levels with a laggy device is a huge stress intensifier because it costs you money.
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