iPhone X - SP's not triggering first time

As per the title,

I seem to have an issue on my iPhone X whereby clicking the SP button does not always work first time.

Device and Version:
iPhone X Model No MQAF2B/A

Device Operating System:
11.3 (15E216)

Mobile Carrier:

Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both?

Game Version Installed:

Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
All game modes

Champions Affected: Which Champions are affected by this issue? What is their Rank, Level and which Signature Abilities do they have unlocked?
All champs

Active Boosts: Are you using any boosts when you experience this issue?
Yes and No - experienced with both.

Description of the Issue:
When mid fight, sometimes it seems as though hits on the SP button are not registered first time around. Not sure if this is a factor, but I have noticed this occurs more often when the iPhone X notch is on the left (rather than when the phone is rotated with the notch on the right).

After a few months out of the game, I have joined back in around Feb and have noticed this issue since then. My brother who also plays on an iPhone 8 plus has not experienced the issue on his phone, but has noticed it when I asked him to try on my iPhone X.

Personally, this has been an absolute nightmare and I was hoping it would be fixed in the latest release. As timing is so critical in this game, it is infuriating and unfair to have an issue like this constantly occurring and it has cost me numerous fights and as a result,
numerous level 2 team revives.

I am not asking for compensation (though if it is offered, it will be greatly appreciated) but am simply asking that the game is functional on my device.


  • Nick0609Nick0609 Posts: 71
    edited April 2018
    I have an Iphone X and this happened to me too. I dont think its an issue with the phone, its because of the aspect ratio. The special button is located farther to the left, and it takes a little getting used to. Once i tried clicking farther left, it worked fine.

  • OxCOxC Posts: 57
    Nick0609 wrote: »
    I have an Iphone X and this happened to me too. I dont think its an issue with the phone, its because of the aspect ratio. The special button is located farther to the left, and it takes a little getting used to. Once i tried clicking farther left, it worked fine.

    If this is the case, I wonder if the developers could make the SP button longer for this device?

    This is worse than when Apple shortened the 'space' key on screen keyboard and everybody typed with dots/periods instead of spaces!
  • Nick0609Nick0609 Posts: 71
    its really not that big of a deal, no need to change the game. All you have to do is click farther left than ur used to and its fine.
  • Nick0609Nick0609 Posts: 71
    I only missed specials like the first day, but now im used to it
  • OxCOxC Posts: 57
    Nick0609 wrote: »
    its really not that big of a deal, no need to change the game. All you have to do is click farther left than ur used to and its fine.

    Well it is a bit - when you have been doing something as repetitive as this for over 2 years and it suddenly changes, personally I don't find it very easy to adjust to. The device is already a little awkward to hold so to cilck further left bends my thumb into an unnatural position (unless I change my grip on the phone and essentially hold it with my fingers rather than resting it in my palms.

    I've been using this now since Jan/Feb and still have the issue.

    To be honest, I've never understood why there is the SP bar and button next to it - It could be redesigned into a pill-shaped button that has three segments (showing SP1, 2 and 3) and no matter where you click on that section, it triggers the SP.
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