The Horde Alliance Looking for One Player (Gold 2 Season for AW, AQ 44333 looking to try 5)
The Horde alliance is currently looking for one more good player to add to our team. Line is required for communication. We hit SA every week, usually getting in the 20-40% reward range. We were short 3 players for the AQ runs this week and still came in 1,116 place (550 glory and 21k t4b shards). Only official requirements are full participation in AQ and AW, and following instructions on which paths to take in harder events, plus donations 26,700 gold and 1,700 loyalty a week so we can do map 4 twice. We are going to do map 5 this week and would really like a new player to join before then so we can have 3 full groups. I'd say about 120k minimum roster strength preferred. I grew from 140k to 203k in just 3 months here. Message me on Line: notamutant.