I know you already had two people reach out to you, but if you haven't decided yet, reach out to me on line: notamutant. We are at 29 members right now, normally do map 4 twice and then map 3 rest of week, came in gold 2 for season, alliance rating is 6.6 million. Line required. We also come in 21-40%, and sometimes even 6-20% for SA weekly with no holds required.
If you are still looking, please feel free to add me on line: FenrisianViking
We are almost at full strength, focus on AW and typically run 55443 in AQ.
hi our 5 mil AQ/AW focused alliance is recruiting this week we're running 54433 or 54432 our normal schedule is 44332 we are looking for 100k+ so i think you'd be a perfect fit for our alliance. if you're interested add McDrunkerson on line
We are a 9.5 mil, 44332 AQ, Gold 3 AW active alliance. We have a bunch of positive, good guys. Check us out at Nerd Brigade. If you are interested, hit us up on line @geedoesit or @groundround. I hope that you find a great new place to hang out. If you are still looking, though, it would be worth giving us a look. Thanks.
Check it out!!! They ended up in gold2 and play map4/5 some days.
We are almost at full strength, focus on AW and typically run 55443 in AQ.
we are 55444, gold3, currently 2BG for AW but planning to go 3
we use discord
ally: SS2xA
my ign/discord: Negritis
We are a 9.5 mil, 44332 AQ, Gold 3 AW active alliance. We have a bunch of positive, good guys. Check us out at Nerd Brigade. If you are interested, hit us up on line @geedoesit or @groundround. I hope that you find a great new place to hang out. If you are still looking, though, it would be worth giving us a look. Thanks.