Story Quest-problem with progress percentage [Merged Threads]

I'm currently 5/6 of the way through chapter 3 of Act 4 but the progress percentage show only 40% for the act and 17% for the chapter. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
If you could post some screenshots of these discrepancies with the completion percentage that would be very helpful so that we can pass the info along for investigation.
I had beginner, normal, and uncollected 100% and displaying perfectly, then I did a time attack for heroic and master last night and everything went haywire.
Now beginner and normal say 0%, uncollected says 2%, and somehow my labyrinth of legends lost its green 100% banner as well.
Only heroic and master still say 100%.
I'm getting worried here. I only gotta beat maestro 2 more times and I'll have 100% exploration or at least I'm supposed to. If I don't get my rewards I'll probably lose my mind after all the effort and money ive put into this game. Somebody help!! Please!!
How curious
But the one of RoL is still there.
What have you done now Kabam...
We are looking into what is causing this discrepancy with the percentages displayed. Thanks for posting the screenshots. They are really helpful!