Classic DD evade against sentinel [Under Investigation]

Did anyone notice that classic dd does not evade the first part of sentinels sp1 ? Its almost as if it doesnt treat it as a projectile
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
It's falling on deaf ears anywhere I've noticed..
Not a peep from Kabam.. It is a beam that shoots out of sentinels hands and strikes the opponent, that is a projectile!
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam DK
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Loto
@Kabam Zibiit
Please pin this in the bug section and get a fix figured out.
To clarify, Daredevil classic (sig 99) does not evade the first projectile from Sentinel's SP1.
Instead of getting a nod from them that they were indeed looking into it, they simply deleted my discussion and sent me some copy+paste from the forum rules and a "warning".
Granted, it was a bit of a cheap shot at them, criticizing their lack of communication.. So I guess I wasn't surprised.
Mods, I know you've got a ton of content to scroll through, and sometimes things slip by without getting your attention,.. but this is truly a bug that needs to be fixed.
It's super frustrating to see that this hasn't been addressed, or even acknowledged after more than a week.
Is there more information you need us to provide for you to take this seriously?
Changing the Sentinel difficulty in AQ does not make this BUG go away.. It's in all areas of the game.
Hi all!
We are investigating an issue that prevents Classic Daredevil from evading the first hit of the Sentinel Special 1.
It's not the quick fix we were hoping for, but it's a start!
Yes. Read AVs abilities