How many of you would like to see Sentinels replaced

juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
Lets face it Sentinels are no fun, they are huge, clunky and absurd....i have faced them in Map 3~5 and still stand firmly on my 1st statement. Just want a feedback from community aswell

How many of you would like to see Sentinels replaced 125 votes

Replace them with rest of 120 characters
RagamugginGunnerStavelotXoteCableLeNoirFaineantrazielFugawsDarkstar4387ditCdaveKeonexDoc_HollamonHort4Ace043JerryJiverbuffajrAfridQueqqueeChickenSpeeds80kmbell81IOSJasoN 50 votes
Bring back Symbiodes
NevvBMiamiHeatBadroseVossler77teekqDarcilisDezz_1RentonXDGrafikdevJovonneSpiritOfVengeanceMr_mc_person34shchong2Danny_Archdemon_Lex_Luger21aWildeCatNick0609ljainD5Bruinsfan8510 24 votes
Not happy but ...ok with sentinels
ShrimkinsTitan_A97Fluffydragon2Goken2345heruheru511Primmer79TonyStarkSpeedbump2nd_slingshotMasterTroller42SonOfGwynAshburnItempasDarkragonJman2182Batman_26_2019HzoriStrParthyzanSpurgeon14 27 votes
Cant be more happy, love them as opponent
DL864Swe_wolfisRaganatorSpity68AxeCopFireMrbeast6000xyphr3CpcBoyboyPinballwizurd1haunted_memoryPwf57Mcfly89AKTEK_ASDF_GluteusMaximusHammerbro_64RasiloverCupidCryptic_CobraElitehunter 24 votes
i have quit a long time ago


  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    Not happy but ...ok with sentinels
    They are big, have increased armor, with easy to evade specials. I mostly ever fight the mystic sentinel andbi just chain stun with hulk. Also difficulty doesn't change after day 3. All you get is 44444points
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Even before sentinels I said there shouldn't be any symbioids/sentinels/adaptiods etc in AQ.
    There are enough champions in this game that you should never need to fight the same champion twice.

    I'd like it go a step further and have the champs on a rotation like the mini bosses to try an stop it being so repetitive.
  • General_VisGeneral_Vis Member Posts: 138
    I don’t mind them but would say there’s too many of them.

    I’ve also said numerous times that there are enough champs in the game now to make every fight unique. Why do we have 6 (!) Hodds on the map?

    Maybe make Sentinels a miniboss and give them interesting nodes and the 3 bars of power. On a side note, why do the first two minibosses need to be the same champ? Why not have two separate champs for the miniboss?
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  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    Cant be more happy, love them as opponent
    Just learn how to evade
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Replace them with rest of 120 characters
    Sentinels are boring and I'd rather see their nodes go to random champs of the same class currently there. Sentinel, sentinel, champ, sentinel is not fun to fight.

    Even though Medusa runs through them all easily, it's still not fun lol

    "Not fun" seems to apply to a lot of things lately so maybe that is the intent
  • BradleygallowayBradleygalloway Member Posts: 159
    Bring back Symbiodes
    Bring then back neff said bud
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    Stop with this ****
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    Stop with this ****

  • BradleygallowayBradleygalloway Member Posts: 159
    Bring back Symbiodes


    I do not know kabam is watching
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★

    I do not know kabam is watching

  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Cant be more happy, love them as opponent
    Gives me a use for my Medusa. Or to use Wolvie in AW or SQ. (JK they are kind of a pain but it’s more fun shredding them with med than shredding symbioids with Wolvie tbh)
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  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    It's like you punch and kick them in their robo-junk, what's not to like?

    What made you choose the name lol
  • Titan_A97Titan_A97 Member Posts: 179
    Not happy but ...ok with sentinels
    Whether you like them or not, the hard truth is that they're here to stay and that's that. I'm willing to understand and accept that my opinion is irrelevant and worthless in the end.

    As Wolverine in the event quest described them, they're big, clunky 'tin cans' with rigid animations and specials where you have to block one part or another (unless if you use OG DD) and on top of that, bleed + poison immunity.

    I'm not happy with them but everyone has 2 choices: Don't do AQ or adapt and overcome the difficulty. I think it can be agreed upon that most alliances chose the latter as did I. But honestly? If you gave me the choice between Sentinels and Symbioids, I'd pick the Symbioids any day of the year with no exceptions.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Cant be more happy, love them as opponent
    Titan_A97 wrote: »
    Whether you like them or not, the hard truth is that they're here to stay and that's that. I'm willing to understand and accept that my opinion is irrelevant and worthless in the end.

    As Wolverine in the event quest described them, they're big, clunky 'tin cans' with rigid animations and specials where you have to block one part or another (unless if you use OG DD) and on top of that, bleed + poison immunity.

    I'm not happy with them but everyone has 2 choices: Don't do AQ or adapt and overcome the difficulty. I think it can be agreed upon that most alliances chose the latter as did I. But honestly? If you gave me the choice between Sentinels and Symbioids, I'd pick the Symbioids any day of the year with no exceptions.

    You can evade all of their specials. L1, dodge the first blast then get back and dodge on the last bit of the second laser. L2, dodge, tiny pause dodge, tiny pause, dodge, dash
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Replace them with rest of 120 characters
    It's pretty fine, easy specials, easy life :wink: I would like to see them to actually use, y'know, all the other actual champs in the game however.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Replace them with rest of 120 characters
    I'd also like to add I hate the Sentinels because it messes with the camera too much at times
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Not happy but ...ok with sentinels
    Just learn how to evade

    Yeah, and rack up their charges. Genius plan there! 😂😉
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Have they addressed the points nerfing that caused missed milestones and rewards yet ?
  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    Replace them with rest of 120 characters
    Please dont use this post to flam/troll others....this is a genuine effort to understand what community's POV about sentinals...keep it constructive
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    Cant be more happy, love them as opponent
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    Please dont use this post to flam/troll others....this is a genuine effort to understand what community's POV about sentinals...keep it constructive
    and the general consensus is the community doesn't agree on this and has mixed opinions.
    To be honest this is old news, the community has far larger problems too complain about atm.
  • Comdr_BlazeComdr_Blaze Member Posts: 1
    Replace them with rest of 120 characters
    What more will you do to destroy having any fun in this game. I don’t lay in bed all day living to play MCOC and when I do any more it is just depressing because I just get beat up more like real life. You have made this game around the top YouTube gamers and not the regular guy who wants to escape reality in gaming. So sorry because it used to be fun. I have other options than this.
  • THE_DEVIL_666THE_DEVIL_666 Member Posts: 13
    Sentinels are the least of our worrys after this new month of shame. Plus they’re easy now
  • ItempasItempas Member Posts: 57
    Not happy but ...ok with sentinels
    They pretty easy now. Yeah, Symbiotes were nothing compared to them but it's not like when they were first released so I say let them stay
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