Hulk should have some ability to regenerate if not the best

Hulk has achieved monumental regeneration feats in the comics on many occasions. The Mastero rebuilt himself from only the atoms that remained from him when he was incinerated. Hulk regenerated most of his musculature, all of his skin and hair within a matter of seconds by focusing his adrenaline/power. And a much older interpretation of the Hulk regenerated from what was basically a carcass in less than 18 minutes whilst unconscious. This is far greater than anything that wolverine has achieved so why then can't hulk regenerate in this game? I propose many different ideas that Kabam could use and edit to make this character more realistic:
Option 1# Gamma Regeneration (Passive): Hulks gamma irradiated cells repair damage at an incredible rate, granting *insert amount* health recovery per minute.
Option 2# Relentless Rage (When Attacked): *insert amount*% chance for Fury effects to be converted into regeneration effects regenerating *insert amount* health over *insert amount* seconds.
Option 3# Irradiated Fury (Passive): Hulks anger fuels his irradiated cells, granting *insert amount* regeneration per second. The amount of health Hulk regenerates per second increases by up to *insert amount*% based on fury effects.
Option4# *Insert Idea*
Option 1# Gamma Regeneration (Passive): Hulks gamma irradiated cells repair damage at an incredible rate, granting *insert amount* health recovery per minute.
Option 2# Relentless Rage (When Attacked): *insert amount*% chance for Fury effects to be converted into regeneration effects regenerating *insert amount* health over *insert amount* seconds.
Option 3# Irradiated Fury (Passive): Hulks anger fuels his irradiated cells, granting *insert amount* regeneration per second. The amount of health Hulk regenerates per second increases by up to *insert amount*% based on fury effects.
Option4# *Insert Idea*
I like the lower health increasing his damage as it supports the whole "The angrier Hulk is, the stronger he gets."
As far as regen goes, if they added it...they would nerf something else on him for balance.
As far as bleeds go, there are plenty of instances in the comics where bleeding has messed Hulk's s**t up...he doesn't die...but he needs extra time to heal....sometimes a day.
Can't really compare him to the Maestro...yes they are the same person...but the point of the Maestro was he was so much more powerful than the Hulk due to having lived longer/absorbed more gamma is what made the Maestro a huge threat.
Finally, we play a game where Rocket Raccoon fistfights Mephisto...applying "comicbook realism" is going to take a backseat when designing fighting game characters out of them.
How does he have no regen? So a few bullets would just kill him in this universe? Look how Tony had a ton of trouble against the Hulk in Age of Ultron with the Hulkbuster suit
Yeah pretty sure in the comics and the movies bullets just bounce off him and piss him off ("I got low. I put a bullet in my mouth and the "other guy" just spit it out." - Dr.Banner Age of Ultron). But that has nothing to do with his lack of regen in this game (just has to do with not all champs can have their powers perfectly matched to comics and/or movies... it is a fighting game and as such it is all about balance).
The only thing that would be somewhat balanced is giving Hulk the same regen as Joe Fixit (which heals 15% per MINUTE) but that would have like zero effect on his character but it is the only way to keep it balanced. And no, the signature ability should stay as it is, so yes, the regen would hamper it a little (but that's part of the balance). Question is: why would Kabam want to do this just to respect comic lore?
Because Comics
And vulnerability to shock,Incinerate or something
Because Balance
Actually, in truth, whenever groups of superheroes get together things get stupid - Like watching Avengers 1 and seeing BW fighting alongside Hulk and Thor despite the fact that she would die within seconds, or the fact that at some point people realize Superman is as fast as Flash and more powerful than the entire Justice League combined....