Hulk should have some ability to regenerate if not the best

RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
edited January 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
Hulk has achieved monumental regeneration feats in the comics on many occasions. The Mastero rebuilt himself from only the atoms that remained from him when he was incinerated. Hulk regenerated most of his musculature, all of his skin and hair within a matter of seconds by focusing his adrenaline/power. And a much older interpretation of the Hulk regenerated from what was basically a carcass in less than 18 minutes whilst unconscious. This is far greater than anything that wolverine has achieved so why then can't hulk regenerate in this game? I propose many different ideas that Kabam could use and edit to make this character more realistic:

Option 1# Gamma Regeneration (Passive): Hulks gamma irradiated cells repair damage at an incredible rate, granting *insert amount* health recovery per minute.

Option 2# Relentless Rage (When Attacked): *insert amount*% chance for Fury effects to be converted into regeneration effects regenerating *insert amount* health over *insert amount* seconds.

Option 3# Irradiated Fury (Passive): Hulks anger fuels his irradiated cells, granting *insert amount* regeneration per second. The amount of health Hulk regenerates per second increases by up to *insert amount*% based on fury effects.

Option4# *Insert Idea*


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  • LOИEWOLFLOИEWOLF Member Posts: 128
    No he should be immune to bleed, As shown in the movie
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Mmm I would not say immune but maybe the ability to close bleed debuffs faster would make more sense. Anyway I have said it before and ill say it again there is too many champs waiting to get some sort of a rework and adding someone as deadly as the hulk to that list is just not fair to them. This is a different logic that none of us can change.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Interesting idea, but if we’re using actual logic, then he’d Regen less the lower health he has. Since I don’t completely understand, I won’t explain it, but here’s a link to a video that does (skip to 18:00)
  • Strange_happensStrange_happens Member Posts: 70
    I Think what we have as hulk right now is pretty good if the game stayed true to the comic the game would be way different for instance magneto would demolish a lot of champs, Thor would be amazing, Spider-Man (homecoming) would be weaker because that version just started fighting strong villains and hulk would be to powerful.
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    Ok sorry I've been away everyone but lets clear something up straight away. Don't watch that screwattack cancer it's wrong in every single way especially about Hulk they based their science on the human body. Hulk is well and beyond superhuman and they will never understand that or put any theories into play. Also they've had a monumental amount of time to upgrade hulk properly, either way his signature ability needs to be changed to damage received not based on lost health. Hulk is virtually impossible to kill whether it be by time or by physical harm. The only way he can truly be killed, is by destroying all of his matter totally, that means all atomic and particle traces. Still even at this point he could theoretically refuse and rearrange matter around his soul if he still had enough gamma energy/radiation. But yes the easy way is to kill banner first I know. But still it makes no sense that he can't regenerate. He should at least have some gamma regen ability like joe fixit and that won't effect his signature if it's based on damage received not lost health. I realize they have fixed this some what with Ragnarok Hulk..but I don't have him lol. Plus what I said still applies.
  • Kriss_IIKriss_II Member Posts: 64
    Hulk[Duped] is a Super massive damage champion even now. If you add him some more regen, He'll go insane
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Basically what you’re saying is turn him into a better version of sabretooth?
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    I tend to stun-lock most of Hulk's opponents in the game...I am fine with how he is currently.
    I like the lower health increasing his damage as it supports the whole "The angrier Hulk is, the stronger he gets."
    As far as regen goes, if they added it...they would nerf something else on him for balance.
    As far as bleeds go, there are plenty of instances in the comics where bleeding has messed Hulk's s**t up...he doesn't die...but he needs extra time to heal....sometimes a day.
    Can't really compare him to the Maestro...yes they are the same person...but the point of the Maestro was he was so much more powerful than the Hulk due to having lived longer/absorbed more gamma is what made the Maestro a huge threat.

    Finally, we play a game where Rocket Raccoon fistfights Mephisto...applying "comicbook realism" is going to take a backseat when designing fighting game characters out of them.
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    This isn't the same hulk from the comics, in this universe he has no regen. Don't try to apply comic canon in this game, you'll go insane.

    How does he have no regen? So a few bullets would just kill him in this universe? Look how Tony had a ton of trouble against the Hulk in Age of Ultron with the Hulkbuster suit
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    He probably just has really a tough body in this game.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    I understand your reasoning, but game-mechanic wise it is not possible. Science champions are meant to be weak against Skill champions because the latter can bleed. Mutant champions are strong against Skill champions because their regeneration ability counters that bleed. What you are asking would not only break the class system, but would also make the Hulk the best champion in the game. It is a very bad idea.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    LOИEWOLF wrote: »
    No he should be immune to bleed, As shown in the movie
    Actually, Hulk can bleed. The Abomination could pierce his skin with his spine in The Incredible Hulk. The wounds just close a lot faster. But anyway, see:
    I understand your reasoning, but game-mechanic wise it is not possible. Science champions are meant to be weak against Skill champions because the latter can bleed. Mutant champions are strong against Skill champions because their regeneration ability counters that bleed. What you are asking would not only break the class system, but would also make the Hulk the best champion in the game. It is a very bad idea.

  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    Ok I have taken your words into consideration. I understand that this would make him op but if they at least give him a slow constant regen or a regen that activates when he drops below 20% once per fight (similar to deadpool or ultron). This wouldn't nerf his signature ability if they changed it to DAMAGE RECEIVED over the period of a fight not based on lost health, with a maximum damage rating. The point I'm trying to make is hulk should have a healing factor since he has virtually the best HF in the m.u and his regen rate can increase based on his rage. Look at king groot he's op, he has regen and fury so why can't hulk have what I'm implying. It's just more realistic to the character. Regardless if u have a **** load of money (unlike me) and have near limitless revive potions then I guess u could keep reviving hulk to imitate the hulk from the comics....but they need to give him some ability to combat death.
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    Also I understand maestro is well beyond the normal interpretation of Hulk but he has just gained access to power Hulk could access if he got angry enough, thats what I meant.
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited April 2018
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    This isn't the same hulk from the comics, in this universe he has no regen. Don't try to apply comic canon in this game, you'll go insane.

    How does he have no regen? So a few bullets would just kill him in this universe? Look how Tony had a ton of trouble against the Hulk in Age of Ultron with the Hulkbuster suit

    Yeah pretty sure in the comics and the movies bullets just bounce off him and piss him off ("I got low. I put a bullet in my mouth and the "other guy" just spit it out." - Dr.Banner Age of Ultron). But that has nothing to do with his lack of regen in this game (just has to do with not all champs can have their powers perfectly matched to comics and/or movies... it is a fighting game and as such it is all about balance).
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    But that's not the point, balance is key but u can't sacrifice the king of regeneration's regeneration. Hulk is virtually immortal and he should be in this game if not at least hard to kill. Champions like King Groot and Hela have op abilities like indestructibility and King Groot has regen and fury but Hulk doesn't. Any who Hulk (Ragnarok) which has been out now for quiet a long time has answered my prayers but I don't have him so I still stand by the fact that they need to give Hulk regen and change his signature ability to what I said earlier.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    RaozSkillz wrote: »
    Ok I have taken your words into consideration. I understand that this would make him op but if they at least give him a slow constant regen or a regen that activates when he drops below 20% once per fight (similar to deadpool or ultron). This wouldn't nerf his signature ability if they changed it to DAMAGE RECEIVED over the period of a fight not based on lost health, with a maximum damage rating. The point I'm trying to make is hulk should have a healing factor since he has virtually the best HF in the m.u and his regen rate can increase based on his rage. Look at king groot he's op, he has regen and fury so why can't hulk have what I'm implying. It's just more realistic to the character. Regardless if u have a **** load of money (unlike me) and have near limitless revive potions then I guess u could keep reviving hulk to imitate the hulk from the comics....but they need to give him some ability to combat death.
    King Groot is balanced because his attack rating is nerfed as a result. Hulk has a normal attack rating, has a good Fury, can increase damage based on lost health, his chance to Fury increases as his health decreases and has a mega-Fury when he goes below 25%.

    The only thing that would be somewhat balanced is giving Hulk the same regen as Joe Fixit (which heals 15% per MINUTE) but that would have like zero effect on his character but it is the only way to keep it balanced. And no, the signature ability should stay as it is, so yes, the regen would hamper it a little (but that's part of the balance). Question is: why would Kabam want to do this just to respect comic lore?
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    You just don't get it hulk not healing is idiotic. Changing his signature to based on damage received not based on lost health or both then adding some sort of regen would fix this. Hulk not healing is like the sun/solar radiation having no affect on Superman. And Joe fixit's healing ability would make a huge difference to the Hulk as small amounts of health lost when blocking attacks could be quickly recovered. But I thought you were saying regen on hulk would make him too op now ur saying it would make no difference. If this would make no difference then he could regenerate more health based on how many fury effects he has.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    RaozSkillz wrote: »
    Ok I have taken your words into consideration. I understand that this would make him op but if they at least give him a slow constant regen or a regen that activates when he drops below 20% once per fight (similar to deadpool or ultron). This wouldn't nerf his signature ability if they changed it to DAMAGE RECEIVED over the period of a fight not based on lost health, with a maximum damage rating. The point I'm trying to make is hulk should have a healing factor since he has virtually the best HF in the m.u and his regen rate can increase based on his rage. Look at king groot he's op, he has regen and fury so why can't hulk have what I'm implying. It's just more realistic to the character. Regardless if u have a **** load of money (unlike me) and have near limitless revive potions then I guess u could keep reviving hulk to imitate the hulk from the comics....but they need to give him some ability to combat death.
    King Groot is balanced because his attack rating is nerfed as a result. Hulk has a normal attack rating, has a good Fury, can increase damage based on lost health, his chance to Fury increases as his health decreases and has a mega-Fury when he goes below 25%.

    The only thing that would be somewhat balanced is giving Hulk the same regen as Joe Fixit (which heals 15% per MINUTE) but that would have like zero effect on his character but it is the only way to keep it balanced. And no, the signature ability should stay as it is, so yes, the regen would hamper it a little (but that's part of the balance). Question is: why would Kabam want to do this just to respect comic lore?

    Because Comics
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Okay,I say give him regen,ability to close bleeds faster

    And vulnerability to shock,Incinerate or something

    Because Balance
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    Yeah but u can't just pointlessly blance it for the sake of balance. Giving him a toned down healing factor should suffice for balance and realism.
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    Every time Hulk dies because of a heal block or an intense bleed effect it really pisses me off. I have been using Hulk Ragnarok for sometime now, and now better understand the problem. When he gets regen his damage ability stays the same and when he gets fury he can't regen (unless he's under the influence of a passive damage over time effect which isn't bleed stupidly). Hulk can rearrange his genetic make up whether it be to adapt or to repair what was lost, so in other words he would be resistant to a heal block. I think a much more suitable solution to not making hulk (standard champion) virtually immortal or nearly unkillable like most of the bosses in this game is to give him physical resistance which increases up to a maximum rating based on lost health just like his signature. This makes it more true in game that the madder he gets the stronger he gets, because loosing health is becoming weaker not stronger. This would also make him resistant to a heal block like in the comics now since he isn't recovering health but getting stronger. I actually think there are plenty of champions like juggernaut for instance that should have this if kabam think that giving them their realistic healing factor would be too "op". [{(SORRY FOR THE LONG COMMENT)}] I don't think getting stronger is being able to do a lot of damage when you're nearly dead cause if your opponent just manages to touch you (likely with an unblock-able unavoidable attack) you can died instantly. So kabam you need to realize that you need to fix this in some way cause at the moment this is a false interpretation of Hulk, well it is in the movies as well so it doesn't matter anyway they won't give a ****.
  • DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
    As many posters have pointed out - MCOC has to have BALANCE among 100+ champions. How can Drax beat Hyperion? How can SW easily defeat Ultron? Or maybe it's Ant-man beating Dormammu. Just the nature of it. (What annoys me is that dead pool X-force has no regeneration at all......)

    Actually, in truth, whenever groups of superheroes get together things get stupid - Like watching Avengers 1 and seeing BW fighting alongside Hulk and Thor despite the fact that she would die within seconds, or the fact that at some point people realize Superman is as fast as Flash and more powerful than the entire Justice League combined....

  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2018
    I understand what you mean but if they made certain skill champions much weaker to the point of their real human level power, it would be totally unbalanced and the fans of these hero's wouldn't like this kind of realism. So then they could evade everything like they do in realistic movies as this is how they are actually able to survive next to monuments of virtually limitless power such as Superman, Hulk, Juggernaut etc. But then they would be almost untouchable to more powerful champions that don't have these evade abilities, it might be possible to balance this but I think Kabam/MCOC may have tried to balance this in a beta and it didn't work, that's likely why it isn't in this game. And that's also probably why the actual excuse is the Iso gives them the health and durability that enables them to withstand blows from Hulk, Hyperion, Luke Cage (Like winter solider having hundreds of thousands of litres of blood to bleed in the legendary quest lol). Idk in short it's very hard to balance this thing realistically. Check my new discussion where I talk about regeneration balancing between champions.
  • RaozSkillzRaozSkillz Member Posts: 27
    Also X-force Deadpool should be changed to a skill champion as that would make much more sense since he basically states in his bio that he doesn't have the scabs suggesting that he is the Wade Wilson before the healing factor implantation. (Ryan Reynolds towards the start of the x-men origins wolverine movie).
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