Gladiator Hulk

OMMOMM Member Posts: 18
Last week my alliance ran aq map 6 for all 5 days which allowed me to really put my gladiator hulk thru the paces (I run the poison paths in tier 2 and 3.)I found that hulks thumbs up would hardly ever activate and I would receive the thumbs down approx 80- 90% of the time. I’m told that there is a 50/50 random chance that he will trigger the thumbs up and it sure would come in handy after facing electro in tier 3 but for some reason it never did. Is anyone else finding that to be the case? Also would appreciate it kabam would comment. Im going to start a tally going forward for my aq and aw fights to get a more concise percentage of the thumbs up activation.


  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I don't know the exact % of Gladiator Hulk's activation, but you've only provided anecdotal evidence, m80 (and of a very small sample size). You could get Thumbs down 100 times in a row and it would still be 50% for Thumbs down and 50% for Thumbs up (if that is indeed the %).
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★★★
    I don't know why it isn't tied to health, if you are over 50% you get attack bonus, if under 50% you get health. The randomness makes him not that useful. Not a fan of random bonuses, you never get the one you need.
  • whaler213whaler213 Member Posts: 151
    @OMM i have noticed the same thing i get thumbs down significantly more than i get thumbs up in competitive content, and then in autofights i seem to get thumbs up for the regen much more often.
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