MODOK completely power draining nameless hyperion

I just pulled a 4* modok and was playing around with him in heroic event quest. I already knew that he is a great counter to hyperion bc force field can inhibit power gain by up to 100% and his sp1 reverses power gain/healing. However, I was greatly surprised to find that when I used an sp1 against hyperion whilst he had a power gain buff, modok completely reset hyperion to 0 power, in addition to reversing power gain afterwards. I tried again just now, and even using sp1 against hyperion without the buff, it completely drains his power. I guess this is a result of the line in his abilities that states" up to 150% of what would have been gained is lost instead". so that's a thing
So basically,
Regen= Degen
Power gain/flood= Power drain
Any more you can think of?
woh, Il test this out