Which science 4* should I keep in my team?

KandyManKandyMan Member Posts: 17
I have two science type 4*s. The first is Joe Fixit rank 2, level 20 , duped. The second is Yellowjacket rank 2, level 20, duped.

Which science 4* should I keep in my team? 24 votes

Joe fixit
Elitehunter 1 vote
Spity68TheManMythLegendbuffajrCosmic_Ray13BUZZdog3000Wordy12HzoriDONZALOOG1234BahamutaWildeCatXFA_RebootedDRTOmcoctopshadow_lurker22Gyrospin14EnderDraco58Cats73Maldroit2andrewnunes7IBlueShiftI 23 votes


  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,681 ★★★★★
    Why did you make 3 polls of the same thing???? But anyways Yellowjacket is a lot better, but they both aren't that good.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    I'd hold off if I was you
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    YJ can hit fairly hard, but he’s definitely not the best in the science class.
    also...you don’t need to have everyone in your team to be different classes, just saying :wink:
  • KandyManKandyMan Member Posts: 17
    I know I don’t need everybody to be of a different class. But these are among the strongest of my champions. Also, I accidentally pushed the ‘save poll’ button three times before the page loaded, so that made 3polls
  • PandoraFlamePandoraFlame Member Posts: 110
    Yellowjacket has that sting that can totally wipe out a chunk of a champions health. :-)
  • cx234333cx234333 Member Posts: 111
    meant joe fixit
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    Keep yellowjacket, but don't use him for your main team if you have better champs. Only use him for quest gates and/or mystic event quests. Wait for a better one like void or quake.
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